Exciting Look at Delves in World of Warcraft's The War Within Expansion

Discover the new Delves feature in World of Warcraft's The War Within, offering thrilling challenges for both solo adventurers and groups.
Exciting Look at Delves in World of Warcraft's The War Within Expansion


  • The War Within introduces Delves, mini-dungeons in WoW with rewards for all players, from cosmetics to gear.
  • Delves come with dynamic objectives and unique rewards, such as gear equivalent to Heroic raids.
  • Players can tailor Brann's abilities in Delves for DPS, healer, or utility roles, and easily team up to conquer them.

World of Warcraft has unveiled Delves, an exciting new feature in The War Within expansion. These mini-dungeons can be conquered alone or with friends, offering a range of rewards that cater to every player's preferences.

The War Within brings significant updates to World of Warcraft, including Warbands, Dynamic Flying, and Hero Talents. Among these updates, Delves stand out as a thrilling addition – allowing players to delve into mini-dungeons solo or in groups to reap various rewards. Initially, 12 Delves will be accessible, with more to follow in the future.

A recent video released by Blizzard showcases some of the upcoming Delves in World of Warcraft: The War Within. It highlights the customization options for Brann's abilities, enabling players to tailor his skills for DPS, healing, or utility roles. Moreover, Delves will have a dedicated tab in the Premade Groups section of the Party Finder tool, simplifying the process of finding allies for clearing different Delve difficulty levels.

Unveiling the Delves in World of Warcraft: The War Within

The video also offers a glimpse of new Delves set in the depths of Khaz’Algar. For instance, Earthcrawl Mines in Isle of Dorn, The Sinkhole in Hallowfall, and The Dread Pit in the Ringing Deeps are among the featured Delves. Additionally, a sneak peek of the secret 13th Delve in The War Within Season 1 introduces an intense encounter with the formidable boss, Zevzik.

Delves can be completed solo or in groups without any class or role restrictions. Each Delve features dynamic objectives, ensuring that revisiting the same location presents a fresh challenge every time.

By conquering Delves, players can acquire gear comparable to that from Heroic raids or Mythic+ dungeons in World of Warcraft: The War Within, as well as items from the Great Vault. Moreover, Delves offer a plethora of rewards, including cosmetics, pets, currencies, and mounts – such as customizations for the Delver’s Dirigible flying machine – catering to both casual collectors and hardcore raiders in this exciting new content.