World of Warcraft Plunderstorm Unearthed Alternate Features

Recent findings unveil different mechanics, spells, and features that could have shaped a distinct experience in World of Warcraft's Plunderstorm battle royale mode.
World of Warcraft Plunderstorm Unearthed Alternate Features


  • Unused spells and mechanics discovered in Plunderstorm hinted at a unique battle royale encounter.
  • Plunderstorm was close to having a traditional WoW vibe with class-themed items and abilities.
  • Players are captivated by the unreleased features and are hopeful for their integration into future WoW content.

World of Warcraft enthusiasts have stumbled upon neglected spells, mechanics, and features that were remnants of earlier versions of Plunderstorm. These elements, though discarded, suggest that World of Warcraft almost delivered a significantly different battle royale experience compared to the pirate-themed clash players eventually received.

Plunderstorm represents World of Warcraft's fresh battle royale mode where participants engage solo or in groups of up to three to pillage Plunder and acquire exclusive cosmetic rewards for both contemporary and Classic WoW. Once participants descend onto the battleground, they must scavenge for spells and items to equip themselves against rivals in a bid to emerge as the ultimate survivors.

Nevertheless, gamers have stumbled upon some discarded spells, items, and mechanics that indicate Plunderstorm was on the brink of being quite distinct. As per files unearthed by Wowhead, Plunderstorm nearly embraced a more typical WoW essence, featuring items inspired by renowned classes or the notorious Goblins and Gnomes of World of Warcraft. These enthusiasts discovered almost a dozen unused spells – including some specific to classes – a number of consumable items, and gameplay facets that never made it to the final version. WoW's principal software engineer, Orlando Salvatore, who extensively contributed to Plunderstorm, nostalgically discussed these erstwhile abilities on their personal Twitter account, validating their authenticity.

Revised Aspects of World of Warcraft Plunderstorm

  • A less distinct Warcraft theme.
  • Class-specific utility spells like Anti-Magic Zone, Darkness, and Alter Time.
  • Offensive spells like Arcane Storm, Blessed Hammer, and Hellfire.
  • Consumable items such as Goblin Landmines and Kaja’Cola Carrier Units.
  • Passive abilities enhancing damage or healing, or complementing defensive maneuvers.
  • Unique weapons like a Hunting Bow, Illidari Warglaive, or Horn of the Frostwyrm.
  • Alternative gaming mechanisms, including departure from a shared airship, aerially dropped treasures, and vending apparatus.

It appears that certain mechanisms were eliminated from Plunderstorm too. Various passive abilities or talents were uncovered, suggesting gamers might have personalized their characters' offensive and defensive proficiencies, while weaponry might have enabled characters to alter their basic attacks. There are indications that initially, fans disembarked from a singular air vessel rather than individual parrot mounts, and plans may have existed for air deliveries and vending machines at one point – features that aficionados of Fortnite might find familiar.

Despite enjoying Plunderstorm, the revelation of these vestiges from prior versions has intrigued players. As they continue to master the battle royale, these enthusiasts ponder the potential impact of these discarded mechanics on the game. The experimental gaming mode has established a new standard for World of Warcraft, and numerous players are eager to witness some of these elements introduced into WoW in the future, be it in Plunderstorm or a derivative.

Fortunately, World of Warcraft is already delving into novel experiments post-Plunderstorm. Fans are advised to stay vigilant for the launch of these innovative gameplay formats to see if any of the unused Plunderstorm mechanics have been retrofitted for a fresh encounter.