Revamping Human Racial Ability in World of Warcraft's War Within

Discover the upcoming alteration to Humans' iconic racial ability in World of Warcraft's War Within.
Revamping Human Racial Ability in World of Warcraft's War Within


  • The Diplomacy racial trait for Humans in World of Warcraft is undergoing a significant change, no longer boosting reputation gains.
  • This modification aims to eliminate the necessity for players to choose Humans for an account advantage.
  • The introduction of the Warbands system in The War Within will universalize most factions across accounts, rendering the Human bonus redundant.

World of Warcraft is undergoing a transformation by phasing out the renowned Diplomacy racial trait for Humans that previously augmented faction reputation gains in The War Within. In light of the majority of reputations becoming account-wide in The War Within, World of Warcraft is implementing this alteration to ensure players no longer feel compelled to opt for Humans to gain a competitive edge on their accounts.

Humans have been a favored race throughout World of Warcraft history. Apart from their pivotal role in the original Warcraft narrative, their widespread class options and beneficial racial abilities have contributed significantly to their popularity. Notably, the Diplomacy trait, one of their passive racial features, was particularly advantageous, enhancing all reputation gains by 10% and simplifying one of the most enduring grinds in the game.

Nevertheless, after nearly two decades, this Human racial attribute is undergoing a revision, ceasing its interaction with reputation. WoW: The War Within is revamping the reputation system with the introduction of the Warbands mechanism, which will make most factions from Dragonflight onward accessible across entire accounts. In a bid to avoid pressuring players into selecting Human avatars to amplify their Warband reputation accrual, the racial trait is being revamped to offer a different benefit.

Removal of Human Reputation Enhancement in WoW: The War Within

  • Diplomacy previously bestowed Humans in World of Warcraft with a 10% reputation boost.
  • With numerous reputations transitioning to account-wide status in The War Within, this bonus is being revised.
  • The new Diplomacy bonus in World of Warcraft will be disclosed at a later stage.

Nevertheless, this modification will not be enforced until the Warbands system is activated, affording players time until the War Within pre-patch or conceivably even the expansion's launch to leverage the existing Diplomacy feature. Virtually all Dragonflight reputations, encompassing the six Renown factions, will be made account-wide in The War Within, enabling enthusiasts who have not yet maximized these factions to progress 10% faster with a Human character. Subsequently, older World of Warcraft factions will also be retroactively converted to account-wide in forthcoming updates, prompting players to capitalize on this benefit while it is available.

Although aficionados of Humans may lament the discontinuation of this classic racial advantage, the universal reputation alteration is sufficiently thrilling to overshadow any disappointment. The Warbands feature in WoW: The War Within incorporates numerous alt-friendly elements that World of Warcraft enthusiasts have long petitioned for. While the elimination of Diplomacy may be disheartening for supporters who selected Human characters specifically for this trait, the convenience of no longer needing to grind multiple reputations on various characters more than compensates for it.