Wizard Weapon Guide for Enshrouded Players

Discover the best early-game weapons for wizards in Enshrouded with this comprehensive guide.
Wizard Weapon Guide for Enshrouded Players


  • Specialize your gameplay in Enshrouded by focusing on magic skills for wizard characters.
  • New wizards benefit from carrying a torch for melee combat, a shield for defense against ranged attacks, and basic staff weapons.
  • Wands are more efficient than staves due to their unlimited ammo in Enshrouded.

Exploring the world of Enshrouded without class restrictions allows players to tailor their characters with specific gameplay skills, such as magic usage ideal for creating wizard-like characters.

Enshrouded, launched in early 2024, immerses players in an action-packed roleplaying experience within a meticulously designed world. While playing as a wizard presents solo challenges compared to melee-focused characters, it offers a unique gameplay experience.

8 Torch

Essential Light Source and Melee Tool for New Players


  • Damage: 9
  • Durability: 50

Crafting requirements:

  • Twigs: 1
  • Plant Fiber: 1

Why include a torch in a list of wizard weapons in Enshrouded? As a new wizard, dealing enough ranged damage can be challenging, especially in close-quarters combat. A torch serves as a backup for melee encounters and provides necessary illumination in dark areas, aiding in finishing off weakened foes.

Moreover, torches are easily crafted and efficient for early-game progression.

7 Shield

Defensive Companion to One-Handed Wand


  • Block: 2
  • Parry: 10
  • Durability: 50

Crafting requirements:

  • Wood Logs: 6
  • String: 1

Despite its unconventional wizardry association, a shield complements one-handed wands in Enshrouded, providing defensive benefits against ranged assaults and close combat engagements. Easily crafted and readily available, shields offer early-game protection until wizards transition to more powerful weapons.

6 Wand

Basic Yet Versatile One-Handed Wand


  • Damage: 11
  • Mana regen: 1
  • Overcharge: 10%
  • Attack speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Durability: 150

Crafting requirements:

  • Bones: 2

The basic wand, a versatile ranged weapon in Enshrouded, provides unlimited ammo and pairs well with a shield for added defense. Its ease of crafting and early accessibility make it a reliable backup when primary weapons run out of charges.

A great transitional weapon for new wizards, the wand ensures continuous combat effectiveness.