Why Now is the Right Time for a Prey Sequel

Arkane has a golden opportunity to revisit Prey and create a long-awaited sequel that fans have been yearning for.
Why Now is the Right Time for a Prey Sequel


  • Prey's unique blend of stealth, shooting, and exploration captivated players seeking an immersive sandbox experience, despite facing challenges in marketing.
  • Despite initial low sales, a sequel to Prey holds great potential to delve deeper into the game's lore and enhance its immersive sandbox gameplay.
  • With Arkane currently hiring for new projects and their upcoming releases undisclosed, the timing seems ideal for the next installment in the Prey series.

The world of immersive-sim games has seen a recent resurgence, with titles like Cruelty Squad, Gloomwood, and Ctrl Alt Ego enjoying both critical acclaim and commercial success in the gaming landscape of 2024. This resurgence paves the way for Arkane Studios to revisit Prey and finally create the much-anticipated sequel that fans have been eagerly awaiting.

Initially released in 2017, Prey received positive reviews from critics but struggled to gain traction in the market due to a confused marketing strategy that tried to cater to multiple player preferences simultaneously. Despite this setback, Prey managed to amass a dedicated following over the years, thanks to its innovative enemy designs, unique gameplay mechanics, and open-world concept.

The Revival Attempt of the Immersive Sim Genre

The 2017 version of Prey was a high-budget endeavor to recapture the essence of classics like System Shock 2. Players were tasked with navigating a deteriorating space station using biological enhancements and experimental tech, encouraging exploration, discovery, and even breaking the intended sequence of events within Talos 1. Through audio logs and hacked emails, players pieced together the station's downfall, unveiling a complex narrative that delves into themes of memory, identity, alien incursion, and the perils of unchecked scientific progress.

Despite its strengths, Prey suffered from a lack of distinct identity, with underdeveloped characters and a somewhat sterile game world. By learning from the success of their Dishonored series in world-building, Arkane could rectify these shortcomings in a potential sequel, enriching the lore and seamlessly integrating it into the game environment. While the original game's ending poses a challenge for a direct continuation, a fresh perspective, such as shifting the setting to Earth and introducing new adversaries, could offer a promising workaround.

Potential Areas for Expansion in a Prey Sequel

Prey shines brightest when players creatively combine various game mechanics to overcome challenges. Whether using insulation foam, stacked objects, or enhanced jumping abilities to navigate obstacles, the game rewards inventive solutions and empowers players to tackle missions in their unique way. A sequel to Prey could further embrace this emphasis on immersive sandbox exploration, granting players even more freedom to experiment and discover unconventional paths through missions and locked areas.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding the development of a Prey sequel, including its initial commercial performance, the recent news of Arkane Studios seeking talent for future projects sparks hope among fans for a continuation of this underrated science fiction immersive-sim experience.