Why a Fallout 3 Remaster Should Follow Skyrim's Lead

The Fallout franchise is ripe for a remaster, and Fallout 3 is the perfect candidate for a re-release.
Why a Fallout 3 Remaster Should Follow Skyrim's Lead


  • A Fallout 3 remaster should mirror Skyrim's Anniversary Edition, featuring added DLCs, enhanced graphics, and preinstalled modlist features.
  • The current popularity of the Fallout franchise, fueled by the success of Amazon's Fallout show, presents an ideal opportunity for Bethesda to launch a remastered Fallout 3.
  • With uncertainties surrounding the release date of Fallout 5, fans are hopeful for a Fallout 3 remaster with upgraded graphics and modlist capabilities.

Bethesda's repeated re-releases of Skyrim have become a running joke among fans, but the recent Skyrim Anniversary Edition stands out for its comprehensive collection of the game's best features, including all DLCs and a curated selection of community mods.

This extensive modlist enriches the game with new quests, locations, enemies, weapons, armor, and gameplay mechanics. If a Fallout 3 remaster were to materialize, it should receive a similar treatment to provide players with an enhanced experience.

Fallout 3 Deserves a Remaster

Amid Bethesda's lineup of games deserving a remaster, Fallout 3 holds a special place. As Bethesda's first Fallout title, it may not have reached Skyrim's level of popularity, but it remains a cherished RPG.

Official Plans for a Fallout 3 Remaster were once Leaked

Previous leaks hinted at a potential Fallout 3 remaster slated for 2024, although subsequent events have cast doubt on this timeline. Nevertheless, the current resurgence of the Fallout franchise, fueled by the Amazon Prime Video series, creates a favorable environment for Bethesda to revisit Fallout 3.

While fans eagerly await Fallout 5, its release date remains uncertain, making a Fallout 3 remaster a tantalizing prospect to bridge the gap.

A Fallout 3 Remaster Deserves the ‘Skyrim Treatment’

Enhancing Fallout 3 with updated graphics, bundled DLCs, and a preinstalled modlist would delight both new and returning fans. Emulating Skyrim's approach by incorporating a curated selection of mods would further enrich the experience.

The 74 mods featured in the Skyrim Anniversary Edition merely scratch the surface of the vast modding potential. Bringing Bethesda's Creation Club to Fallout 3 would democratize mod access across all platforms, enhancing the game's longevity.

Despite Fallout 3's missed 10th-anniversary milestone, there's still ample opportunity to provide it with a well-deserved remaster. With the Fallout franchise riding high on the success of the Fallout show, now is the perfect time to revitalize Fallout 3 for both new and nostalgic players.