Why You Should Avoid Buying Certain Items in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover why purchasing certain items from the Dragon's Dogma 2 microtransaction store might not be the best choice.
Why You Should Avoid Buying Certain Items in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Items available in-game easily
  • Limited real impact of purchased items
  • Cost-effective alternatives exist in-game

While Dragon's Dogma 2 was met with great acclaim upon release, one aspect has stirred discussions among players. Similar to other Capcom titles, Dragon's Dogma 2 offers microtransactions that provide in-game advantages. These transactions include practical items like Portcrystals, Camping equipment, Rift Crystals, and more, rather than purely cosmetic enhancements.

Interestingly, most items found in the DD2 microtransaction store are not exclusive and can be easily obtained within the game itself. Here are five items in the store that you should think twice about purchasing, either due to their availability in-game or their limited impact warranting a real-money transaction:

5 Art of Metamorphosis

The Art of Metamorphosis item allows players to customize their character's appearance at any barber shop, essentially acting as a return to the character creation screen. Despite being priced at $1.99 in the microtransaction store, this item is easily accessible early in the game for a moderate in-game currency cost.

Players can acquire this item by visiting the Pawn Guild and purchasing it for 10,000 Gold or 500 RC. While initially limited, a future game update will increase the availability of this item. Given its relatively high in-game cost and infrequent usage, it's advisable to skip this microtransaction.

4 Makeshift Gaol Key

The Makeshift Gaol Key aids players in escaping prison swiftly if arrested in the game. Priced at $0.99 in the Dragon's Dogma 2 store, this item is easily obtainable, with players often receiving one when incarcerated for the first time. Additional keys can be purchased for a nominal in-game fee from vendors like Dudley in Melve.

3 Wakestone

Wakestones are crucial for revival in Dragon's Dogma 2, obtained by combining Wakestone Shards found throughout the game. While purchasable in the microtransaction store, these items are easily acquired through quests, chests, and exploration in-game. Given their frequent availability, spending real money on Wakestones is unnecessary.

2 Portcrystal

Portcrystals enable fast travel in Dragon's Dogma 2, with in-game availability and the ability to establish custom travel points. Priced at $2.99 in the microtransaction store, these items are easily acquired within the game itself. Additionally, the game's emphasis on exploration and diverse combat experiences diminishes the necessity of purchasing Portcrystals.

1 Explorer's Camping Kit

The Explorer's Camping Kit, priced at $2.99 in the microtransaction store, aids in resting during wilderness expeditions. However, similar camping supplies are abundantly available in-game at a lower cost, making real-money purchases redundant. Considering the game mechanics, opting for in-game alternatives is a more efficient choice.