What to Expect From BioShock 4 in 2024

A fourth installment of the BioShock series has been highly anticipated, but updates and progress have been scarce, leaving fans eager for news in the upcoming year.
What to Expect From BioShock 4 in 2024


  • BioShock 4 has faced delays, rewrites, and team changes, raising concerns among fans.
  • Speculation suggests BioShock 4 may be stuck in development hell due to the lack of updates and progress.
  • Despite the challenges, fans are hopeful that 2024 will bring news about the status of BioShock 4, although the current outlook is not promising.

The BioShock series, especially the first title released in 2007, is considered one of the greatest games ever made. It has significantly elevated the medium to levels of respect and attention rarely seen before. The franchise has made a lasting impact on the industry and is expected to continue shaping the future of gaming.

Following the release of BioShock: Infinite in 2013, the series remained quiet until 2019 when it was announced that the IP had been transferred to a newly formed studio, Cloud Chamber, under 2K Games. The official confirmation of BioShock 4's development generated high excitement among fans. However, since then, there has been minimal progress, leading to growing concerns among fans. As 2024 approaches, many are hoping for some positive news regarding the game's status.

BioShock 4 Still Seems Frozen In Ice

2024 Could Reveal Just How Far Off BioShock 4 Really Is

BioShock 4 is approaching its 5-year mark since its reveal, with little to show for it. Unfavorable leaks and rumors, including reports of multiple rewrites and redesigns, as well as team changes, have sparked speculation that BioShock 4 is stuck in development hell. The lack of updates and communication from Cloud Chamber only contributes to this belief among fans.

By 2024, it will have been 10 years since the release of the last piece of content, Infinite's Burial at Sea Part 2 DLC on March 25, 2014. With each passing year, fans grow more anxious, and the approaching anniversary could prompt Cloud Chamber to address the status of BioShock 4. The studio's silence may further reinforce the notion that their efforts to develop BioShock 4 are facing significant challenges.

Other BioShock Reveals Could Happen Throughout 2024

Despite the lack of concrete information, fans have analyzed rumors and leaks about BioShock 4, indicating that it may be:

  • Set in Antarctica during the 1960s, featuring two opposing cities or one giant metropolis divided by class/social distinctions.
  • Structured as an open-world game.
  • Connected to previous titles, potentially through BioShock: Infinite's multiverse device.
  • Titled BioShock: Isolation.

If Cloud Chamber provides confirmation or comments on any of these details in the coming year, it would demonstrate the studio's commitment to realizing its vision for BioShock 4. Furthermore, recent revelations about a Netflix BioShock movie present an opportunity for an update. However, past challenges with film adaptations parallel BioShock 4's current issues.

Despite the obstacles, fans hold onto hope that BioShock 4 will deliver a satisfying gaming experience. However, the lack of information and updates gives little cause for optimism in 2024 based on current signs.