Warhammer: The Old World - Top Transformations From Age Of Sigmar

The resurgence of obliterated factions from The Old World has revolutionized the essence of Warhammer, presenting fresh regulations and classic armies asserting their dominance.
Warhammer: The Old World - Top Transformations From Age Of Sigmar


  • Artillery Dice introduce unpredictability and strategic depth to battles, demanding players to anticipate random blasts and spells on the field.
  • Break tests replace battleshock in Age of Sigmar, introducing novel mechanics that instill caution in fragile units during combat.
  • Reversion to rank-and-file troops and reference tables in combat instills a methodical and tactical approach to gameplay in Old World.

Enthusiasts of the Warhammer universe, celebrate! Despite the annihilation of the Old World backdrop that many remember from the previous edition of Fantasy Battles - or from Total War Warhammer 3 - a new specialized game from Games Workshop transports players back to the era preceding the Age of Sigmar, allowing collectors to field models that have been absent in recent releases.

Every faction from the former setting has made a comeback, featuring new regulations and gameplay reminiscent of traditional, intricate mechanics.

7 Artillery Dice

Unpredictable Chaos For War Engines

A concept familiar to Warhammer 40K players, war machines engaging in combat are now required to roll artillery dice. These dice can either result in a precise hit on the designated blast template or displace the template up to six inches in a random direction.

This not only poses a threat to units engaging in direct combat with the troops but also introduces chaos, where the optimal targets are not always the ones hit by the attackers. The Artillery Dice also govern certain spells that wander unpredictably across the battlefield. While armies with numerous expendable troops may perceive this as a lesser risk, for heavy hitters with fewer models on the field, a misfire with artillery could spell disaster.

6 Break Tests And Retreats

Strategic Withdrawals And Panic-Driven Escapes

In Age of Sigmar, battleshock tests post losing troops determined the number of warriors in a unit who would flee. These models were eliminated as if they were slain. In the Old World, this mechanism is entirely replaced by the more engaging 'Break' test. Following any combat between two units, players must consult various statistics such as remaining troops, casualties, presence of a standard bearer, and other optional equipment carried by the general.

Once the victor of the combat is determined, the engaged unit must roll based on its leadership statistic to decide if they will retreat and how orderly the retreat will be. This implies that fragile units cannot endure in combat for extended periods but could become more resilient in battle.

5 Lores Of Magic

Structured Spell Lists

Contrary to the individual spells assigned to each unit in AoS, spellcasting in the Old World mirrors the two universal spells available to every caster in the previous game. When incorporating a spellcaster into an army roster, players must select from magic schools that the caster can employ. These schools vary in potency and utility, with some emphasizing warding spells, enhancements, and armor, while others concentrate on significant damage output and eliminating as many models as possible.

Upon electing one of the Lores of Magic, players can opt for the signature spell of that school and then must roll randomly to determine the additional spells accessible to their caster. This introduces diversity to an army roster and provides more casters with the opportunity to wield powerful and rare spells.

4 Universal Gear

Standardized Weaponry And Armor Regulations

Similar to the spell lists that once functioned as unique spells for different units, varied weapons are now standardized. This implies that every model utilizing a halberd will adhere to the same statistical line for attacks and strength. While this data is typically within their unit profile for most models, it ensures a consistent baseline across the game.

Previously, each weapon was specific to a model (for instance, the foetid blades exclusive to Skaven Plague Monks); now, models wield designated weapons with distinct attributes, allowing for more balanced attacks while still leaving room for special rules or heroic weapons for potent attacks and unique features.

3 Attributes

A Fresh Take On Familiar Stats

The Attributes in Age of Sigmar were organized into a wheel at the top of the Warscroll battle profile, with attack and damage details in a block for weapons, segregating the unit into attack stats on one side and movement, wounds, armor save, and courage on the other. In the Old World, a unit's characteristics are presented in a single line and resemble the old Fantasy Battles rule set more closely.

Movement, Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Wounds, Initiative, Attacks, and Leadership now form the foundation of a unit. Notably, the introduction of Initiative marks a significant departure from Age of Sigmar, where the active player always chose the attack sequence. Now, it is determined by the initiative order, providing swift units with more opportunities to engage and deal damage swiftly.

2 Unit Formation

Square Bases And Organized Troops

Despite many players having transitioned old Warhammer Fantasy Battles miniatures to new bases, Old World reverts to square bases. This results in more structured combat and significantly impacts gameplay. In Age of Sigmar, the 'pile in' action allowed unit members to advance to overwhelm an enemy, enabling every model to attack, or they could reposition models to evade less defended areas of an enemy. In Old World, units are confined to ranks and cannot freely 'pile in' or alter the unit configuration.

They now move in an orderly and uniform arrangement. While this enhances structured gameplay and facilitates better oversight, it eliminates the strategic positioning battle that played a pivotal role in AoS. The return to rank and file units reintroduces rank bonuses and emphasizes the effectiveness of spearmen with extended range!

1 Charts

Guide Tables For Combat

The revised unit statistics are predominantly applied to charts where they are juxtaposed against the adversary's stat line. Initially, a chart is consulted to compare the combatants' Weapon Skill to determine the required roll for a hit. Subsequently, the attacker's Strength attribute versus the defender's Toughness dictates the success threshold on a d6. Finally, spellcasters refer to a casting and miscasting chart that decides the outcome of any magical attempts to cast or dispel.

This system can lead to catastrophic failures or irresistible magics that decimate enemy forces. Additionally, defenders can roll based on their armor to assess damage. While these charts introduce a more intricate rule system that deviates from the streamlined mechanics of Age of Sigmar, they allow players to simulate triumphing in unfavorable encounters and identify priority targets or the easiest foes to eliminate early on.