6 Video Game Paladin Characters Who Succumbed to Evil

Even the most righteous heroes in video games can fall into darkness and become the very villains they once fought against.
6 Video Game Paladin Characters Who Succumbed to Evil


  • Paladins in video games can sometimes stray from their path of righteousness and become the very villains they vowed to fight against.
  • Characters like Talion, Loghain, and Gabriel Belmont all experience personal tragedies or lose faith in their beliefs, leading them down a path of evil.
  • The iconic Jedi-turned-Sith story is a common theme in Star Wars games, where former Jedi succumb to their worst tendencies and become powerful and destructive Sith Lords.

When it comes to video games, paladin characters are typically portrayed as noble knights who fight for good, uphold peace, and protect the oppressed. However, not all of them remain steadfast in their commitment to righteousness.

Some paladins deviate from their virtuous path and instead succumb to the forces of evil. Their descent into darkness can be attributed to various reasons, such as experiencing personal tragedies or losing faith in their beliefs. Often, it's a combination of these factors that leads them astray. Regardless of the catalyst, these once-heroic paladins ultimately transform into the very villains they originally opposed.

6 Talion

The Middle-Earth Series

In the Middle-earth series, Talion embodies the unwavering commitment to safeguarding Mordor from the forces of darkness. However, after enduring a tragic loss at the hands of the villainous Ringwraiths, Talion's pursuit of justice takes a dark turn when he becomes consumed by a quest for power. Together with the spirit of Celebrimbor, he sets out to dominate Mordor, ultimately succumbing to the very corruption he sought to eradicate.

5 Loghain

Dragon Age: Origins

Initially lauded for his valor and dedication, Loghain's deep-seated distrust of external forces ultimately leads him to betray his allies and seize power through ruthless and tyrannical means, forsaking the honor and principles he once championed.

4 Gabriel Belmont

The Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Series

Following a harrowing personal loss, Gabriel Belmont succumbs to despair, forsakes his noble mission, and embraces darkness, ultimately becoming the very creature that he once fought against.

3 The Sith

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Revan and Malak, once valiant Jedi warriors, are seduced by the temptations of power, leading them to embrace the dark side and wreak havoc upon the galaxy, altering the course of history.

2 Xehanort

The Kingdom Hearts Series

Disillusioned by the perpetual struggle between light and darkness, Xehanort sets in motion a catastrophic plan to reshape the universe, manipulating and betraying those he once called allies.

1 Aribeth

Neverwinter Nights

Aribeth's disillusionment and personal loss lead her to abandon her unwavering devotion to justice, eventually aligning herself with a malevolent cult and turning against those she once swore to protect.