Victoria 3: Strategies for Prioritizing Technologies

Discover the key technologies to give your nation an edge in Victoria 3, Paradox's Grand Strategy game
Victoria 3: Strategies for Prioritizing Technologies


  • Unlocking Currency Standards (Societal Tech) allows players to implement Per-Capita Taxation, boosting economic opportunities and providing flexibility in adjusting taxation options.
  • Researching Ironclad (Military Tech) improves naval warfare and ship performance, benefiting both industry-focused and conquest-leaning playthroughs.
  • Acquiring Napoleonic Warfare (Military Tech) enhances defense against early-game skirmishes, providing a significant boost to deter opponents and improve tactical capabilities.

Victoria 3 is set in the Victorian Era, an exciting time marked by the growth of ideologies alongside nations. Players aiming to lead their nations to dominate the global scene need to research Technologies that offer an edge in warfare, production, and socio-political standing. With an array of Technologies arranged according to Eras and areas of focus, it can be overwhelming to choose which ones to develop.

Players kicking off their Victoria 3 campaign tend to gravitate towards specific patterns when pursuing goals with Technologies. Alongside pursuing basic Era 1 Tech, players should consider unlocking specific Technologies that provide them with unprecedented advantages in specific areas of nation-building.

10 Currency Standards

Guarantees Tax As A Form Of Extra Budget

Establishing a currency has been pivotal in the development of nations throughout history. In Victoria 3, with Currency Standards (Societal Tech), players gain access to Per-Capita Taxation, allowing them to tax all members of their Pops except Slaves and Peasants.

Unlocking Per-Capita Taxation provides players with extra flexibility in adjusting taxation options on a whim, offering economic opportunities beyond typical taxation options.

9 Ironclad

Enhance Naval Warfare

Ironclad (Military Tech) improves the armor of ships, benefiting naval warfare and ship performance. It is a valuable upgrade for both industry-focused and conquest-leaning playthroughs.

8 Napoleonic Warfare

Secure Defense Against Early-Game Skirmishes

Napoleonic Warfare (Military Tech) provides a significant boost to deter opponents in early-game skirmishes, enhancing the player's tactical capabilities.

Napoleonic Warfare unlocks the Mobile Artillery, improving the player’s capability of fielding artillery and basic infantry in the earliest stages of the game.

7 Nationalism

Make Unification More Manageable

Nationalism (Societal Tech) unlocks the Ethnostate and the Stir National Agitation options for Agitators, suitable for nations with unification-centric missions.

Rushing Nationalism can be beneficial for nations with unification objectives, as it provides a +10% Authority that could be useful in asserting laws.

6 Colonization

Grab Early-Game Vassals Before Others Retaliate

Colonization (Societal Tech) unlocks Colonial Exploitation, Colonial Resettlement, and Frontier Colonization, providing incentives for quick exploration and invasions of border provinces and coastal states.

Successfully invading weaker nations can yield vassals to control in faraway lands, along with free Declared Interest in the region where the colonized nation is located.

5 Steelworking

Start Leveling-Up Investments

Steelworking (Production Tech) boosts Investment potential, especially with the economic capabilities of Steel Mills. It unlocks options to expand Investment opportunities and enhance the performance of plantations.

4 Human Rights

Inalienable Human Rights Also Grant Tech To All

Unlocking Human Rights (Societal Tech) provides access to options such as Multiculturalism, Old Age Pension, and Workers’ Protections, alongside the essential benefit of Protected Speech.

Protected Speech gives a +25% Technology Spread, ensuring passive learning of Technologies at a slower pace, leading to catching up with other countries.

3 Egalitarianism

Egalitarianism (Societal Tech) unlocks Proportional Taxation, Universal Suffrage, and Radical Party, offering flexibility in nation-building.

Proportional Taxation provides an easy way to adjust a nation’s finances in emergencies, offering stability amid global events.

2 Dialectics

Fast-Track Technologies More Efficiently

Dialectics (Societal Tech) unlocks the Philosophy Department for the University and increases investments towards Education, assisting players in pursuing Technologies much faster.

Upgrading Universities and the School System helps nations keep up with the rest of the world in technological advancements.

1 Railway

Paves The Way For More Consistent Infrastructure

Railway (Production Tech) is crucial for jumpstarting infrastructure, enhancing overall infrastructure and unlocking Rail Transportation for early-game industries.

Establishing the Railway and other early-game technologies can provide players with more freedom in shaping their country’s specifics.
