Vampire Survivors: Adventure Mode and Ascend Adventure

Vampire Survivors introduces Adventure Mode, offering players streamlined story mode-like experiences that can be ascended upon completion.
Vampire Survivors: Adventure Mode and Ascend Adventure


  • Adventure Mode in Vampire Survivors offers new challenges for players to take on.
  • Players can ascend completed Adventure runs, gaining Ascension Points and powerful bonuses.
  • Ascension Points can be used to boost Luck, Growth, Greed, and Curse, offering strategic advantages for repeat runs.

Vampire Survivors has expanded its gameplay with the addition of Adventure Mode in patch 1.8, providing players with new challenges similar to a story mode. In these scenarios, players face a more focused roster of characters and weapons and are tasked with completing various objectives beyond simply hitting time limits.

Once an Adventure is finished, players have the option to 'Ascend Adventure'. This feature works akin to a 'New Game +' system, allowing players to restart the Adventure from the beginning while gaining additional benefits. Let's delve into how 'Ascend Adventure' functions.

How Ascend Adventure Works

When an Adventure is completed, the 'Ascend Adventure' option is added to the Adventure Menu. While this resets the Adventure for a fresh run, there's an additional perk to Ascending the Adventure. Players receive an Ascension Point for each completed and Ascended adventure, which can be spent to obtain powerful bonuses in that Adventure.

Players can allocate their Ascension Points to enhance Luck, Growth, Greed, and Curse. The first point spent increases the respective stat by 25%, with subsequent points in the same stat yielding diminishing returns. This can significantly impact repeat runs and is especially beneficial for players attempting Limit Break runs with a single weapon. Early on, focusing on upgrading Growth and Greed can be advantageous for accumulating Ascension Points. Once sufficient bonus Growth and Greed are attained, clearing the Adventure becomes much easier, facilitating the accumulation of points.

For those aiming to maximize their Ascension Points, it appears that a maximum of 60 points can be earned and utilized, translating to 60 runs through the Adventure. With four Adventures currently available, completionists can anticipate a considerable amount of playtime (240 playthroughs across four Adventures, to be exact) to amass points. Notably, Ascension Points and their associated bonuses are specific to the Adventure in which they are earned.

Players can reassign Ascension Points at any time, tailoring their bonuses to the challenges they are currently facing. Therefore, there's no need to fret about how to spend them.

In essence, 'Ascend Adventure' serves as an engaging feature that adds interest to repeat Adventure runs. While players need not feel pressured to accumulate every last Ascension Point unless they are completionists with ample time to run through the Adventures, they should exercise caution when allocating points, especially with regards to extra Curse, unless they are prepared for the challenge.