Valheim's Latest Update: April 2024 Enhancements

Discover the improvements and fixes brought by Iron Gate Studio's recent Valheim update.
Valheim's Latest Update: April 2024 Enhancements


  • Valheim's recent update enhances performance and addresses bugs in preparation for the upcoming Ashlands patch.
  • Changes to asset loading and the Unity engine upgrade aim to elevate the gameplay experience in Valheim.
  • Fans are eagerly anticipating the Ashlands update as a potential game-changer for Valheim's popularity.

Iron Gate Studio has rolled out a fresh update for Valheim, packed with a Unity engine boost, performance enhancements, and a slew of bug fixes. The primary aim of this update, as explained by Iron Gate, is to smoothen the Valheim gameplay experience and set the stage for the upcoming Ashlands update.

While the release date for the Ashlands patch remains unconfirmed, speculations point to a debut in the first half of 2024. The highly anticipated update will introduce the desolate Ashlands biome, a volcanic region situated at the map's southern boundary. Expect new foes, weaponry, fauna, cuisine, and the central feature – the Ashlands Fortress within this new biome.

Ahead of the Ashlands expansion, the April 10 update for Valheim, dubbed Patch 0.217.46, sees an upgrade to Unity engine version 2022.3.17f, released by the engine manufacturer in January of the same year. This update also optimizes Valheim's performance by revamping how certain areas like Dungeons load and unload, albeit potentially causing complications for mod users, according to Iron Gate. Additional tweaks involve gameplay enhancements, such as hammers gaining the ability to dismantle naturally occurring beds and adjusting knockback interactions on sloped terrains.

Noteworthy fixes in this update address issues related to Valheim's boats, like sudden halts during ownership transfers or accessing storage, and ownership glitches post-client disconnections. Furthermore, sail behavior now aligns with wind directions, ensuring a more immersive sailing experience.

Iron Gate stresses that this update sets the groundwork for the Ashlands update, fueling speculation among fans about a potential imminent release. The community is optimistic about the Ashlands update reinvigorating Valheim, which has struggled to replicate its initial 2021 success. The game last surpassed 60,000 concurrent Steam users in February 2023, spurred by the resurgence following the Mistlands update in December 2022.

Unveiling Valheim's April 10 Update 0.217.46 Patch Notes

Greetings, fellow vikings! Today's update brings a plethora of enhancements and fixes to ensure a seamless gaming experience and pave the way for the upcoming Ashlands content. This patch encompasses improvements ranging from enemy encounters and construction elements to language support and memory management. Notably, it features a Unity upgrade and a significant alteration in asset loading mechanics, particularly impacting mod users.

Important information for players who experienced the PTB patch 0.217.43:

If you deleted a world and created a new one with the same name, ensure you delete the following files from your worlds folder:

  • [mapname]_forestMaskTexture
  • [mapname]_heightTexture
  • [mapname]_mapTexture

Brief Patch Highlights

  • Enhanced Unity engine
  • Overhauled location/dungeon loading for performance boosts
  • Numerous bug fixes

Comprehensive Patch Insights

Enhancements & Fixes:

  • Updated Unity engine to 2022.3.17f
  • Revised location/dungeon/room loading and unloading mechanisms. Refer to the FAQ for detailed explanations on this modification
  • Rectified issue with Seasonal groups spanning over a year transition
  • Addressed terrain modification discrepancies around locations
  • Resolved bug causing outdated terrain modifications to clash with newer changes [Note! Execute the “optterrain” command to update terrain]
  • Corrected point emote misalignment
  • Fixed multiple blocklist glitches
  • Rectified menu navigation glitch post-exit from setting menu
  • Stabilized UI elements to prevent flickering at low FPS
  • Enabled hammer removal of naturally spawned beds
  • Eliminated Geirrhafa and Brenna respawn post-restart
  • Standardized Turnip inventory stacking
  • Restored missing text for unroofed Fermenter
  • Revised Kiln hardcoded text
  • Fixed weight display issue for Turkish language
  • Centered text alignment for various languages in the saves menu
  • Centered items in merchant inventories
  • Optimized Sun shafts and Soft particles toggling
  • Enhanced low disk space warnings
  • Resolved memory leak during building object highlighting
  • Expedited IP address validation for faster loading
  • Simplified friend search on Xbox/MS Store via server browser
  • Rectified missing text prompts for cartography table and windmill interactions
  • Fixed Linux dedicated server concerns
  • Adjusted window resizing post-settings exit
  • Elder no longer spawns at the altar
  • Optimized minimap for reduced FPS drops with numerous map markers
  • Addressed cloud save issues on Microsoft Store
  • Weight display in UI Tooltips now includes individual and total weight for stacked items
  • Corrected issue causing double day skips with only Xbox clients connected to dedicated servers
  • Tweaked gamepad camera rotation for consistency with Mouse/Keyboard behavior
  • Aligned support calculations for “Cage floor” 1x1 piece
  • Eliminated gaps when placing banners
  • Stabilized inventory item positions during upgrades
  • Ensured creature position updates upon ownership transfer
  • Optimized blocklist RAM allocation
  • Resolved boat ownership glitches post-client disconnections
  • Sails now respond accurately to wind directions
  • Sloped terrain knockback no longer affects the attacker
  • Unified gamepad and mouse behavior
  • Implemented minimap creation caching for quicker startups
  • Disconnected portals no longer maintain connections
  • Optimized loading threading for reduced load times
  • Warning indicators for missing dependencies

Exclusive to Xbox and Microsoft Store:

  • Fixed server browser's friend tab display issues