Players Craft Massive Mansion in Valheim's Black Forest

Discover how a group of Valheim players constructed a grand mansion in the challenging Black Forest, complete with defenses against marauding Troll raiders.
Players Craft Massive Mansion in Valheim's Black Forest


  • Witness an impressive Black Forest mansion built by Valheim players using over 6,000 wooden pieces.
  • Explore the mansion's amenities including Bellows, a Workbench, a cooking Station, a hot tub, and Ballistic Turrets for Troll defense.
  • Learn how mods like Adventure Backpacks and Plant Everything were employed to streamline the construction process.

A team of Valheim enthusiasts has successfully erected a grand mansion amidst the daunting expanse of the Black Forest. This achievement involved a meticulous clearing of abundant trees in this notoriously challenging region of the game, known for its resource richness, now significantly reduced due to the mansion's construction.

In Valheim, players are presented with various biomes to explore and establish their settlements, with options ranging from the idyllic Meadows to the perilous Mistlands and Mountains. While some opt for the serenity of the Meadows, others, seeking a greater challenge, aim for more demanding locations. Impressive player-built bases have emerged in diverse settings like Riverside, Mountain, and Plains, yet the Black Forest, infamous for its Troll inhabitants, remains an uncommon choice for residency. Defying convention, a group of players embarked on the ambitious endeavor of erecting a massive mansion in a clearing within the foreboding Black Forest.

Recently, Reddit user Confident-Welcome-74 unveiled six captivating images showcasing their Black Forest mansion from various angles. From an elevated platform offering a panoramic view to a robust defensive wall ensuring structural integrity, the meticulous attention to detail is evident. Internally, the mansion boasts essential amenities including a Valheim Forge equipped with Bellows, a Workbench, and a Cooking Station. The luxurious inclusion of a hot tub for relaxation is juxtaposed with the strategic placement of Ballistic Turrets around the perimeter, enhancing defense capabilities against marauding Trolls.

The Path to Mansion Creation

The construction of this architectural marvel, as estimated by Confident-Welcome-74, consumed less than 20 hours and entailed the utilization of over 6,000 wooden pieces predominantly harvested from the Meadows biome. The motivation behind this endeavor stemmed from preparations for the Valheim Ashlands update, currently accessible on the public test realm. Opting for the Black Forest biome, the group sought the ambiance of dense woods, selecting a flat terrain for their opulent abode. The mansion's foundation spans an impressive 48 by 26 meters, featuring a design that incorporates varied elevations to delineate distinct areas. To expedite the construction process, the players leveraged mods such as Adventure Backpacks and Plant Everything.

While the mansion was crafted in Survival mode, Valheim also offers Hammer mode, akin to the creative mode in Minecraft, enabling a more unrestricted building experience. With ongoing updates from Iron Gate Studio, additional resources may be introduced to bolster the mansion's defenses against the looming Troll threat. Anticipate potential future enhancements that could intensify Black Forest raids, introducing new challenges for players to overcome.