Discovering Palworld's Debut Raid Boss Bellanoir in the Latest Update

Exploring the recent Palworld update from Pocketpair, featuring the introduction of the first raid boss, along with numerous additions and enhancements.
Discovering Palworld's Debut Raid Boss Bellanoir in the Latest Update


  • Palworld's update launched on April 4th.
  • The update introduces the inaugural raid boss, Bellanoir, anti-cheat measures, and various enhancements.
  • The current release is for Steam users, with Xbox availability slated for a later date.

Palworld has unveiled the new update, now ready for installation. This latest patch marks a significant milestone with the introduction of the game's first raid boss, Bellanoir. Alongside this exciting addition, the update enriches the Palworld universe with a plethora of features and improvements, including crucial anti-cheat safeguards.

Originally hitting the gaming scene as an early access title on January 19, this survival crafting sensation achieved a remarkable 25 million sales milestone across Steam and Xbox platforms in just over a month. Encouraged by this unprecedented success, Pocketpair promptly committed to expanding the game by introducing new Pals.

The Japanese development studio is now delivering on that commitment by bringing Palworld's inaugural raid boss to life. Known as Bellanoir, this graceful humanoid entity has been incorporated into the game through the update, which became available around midnight ET on April 4. To summon Bellanoir, players must construct a Summoning Altar, accessible after reaching level 33. Once built, the altar can be utilized to summon Bellanoir using a slab. Crafting this item requires four Bellanoir's Slab Fragments found in treasure chests scattered throughout Mineshafts, Wildlife Sanctuary islands, or Dungeons below level 45.

The summoning mechanism relying on slabs is not exclusive to Bellanoir. Pocketpair intends to apply this mechanic to all future raid bosses in the Palworld realm, as confirmed earlier in March. Additionally, the newly introduced boss will have an enhanced variant known as Bellanoir Libero, demanding Bellanoir Libero's Slab Fragments to summon. While these raid bosses cannot be captured, they serve as formidable adversaries for players to conquer, rewarding them with Pal Eggs upon victory.

The latest update for Palworld also brings forth 11 new items, abilities, and structures. Noteworthy inclusions are the Training Manual and Ancient Technical Manual, designed to elevate Pal experience points and ancient technology points, respectively. The update also introduces Recovery Meds that gradually regenerate HP, and a new passive ability called Mercy Hit, preventing Pals from reducing an opponent's health below 1, facilitating the capture of Pals without accidental fatalities.

Key highlights from the update encompass significant anti-cheat enhancements. For instance, Pocketpair has rectified a loophole that allowed unauthorized parties utilizing cracked game versions to pilfer accounts by spoofing Steam IDs on the client side to connect to official game servers. Presently, the April 4 patch is exclusive to Steam users, with Xbox players and those on Xbox Game Pass anticipated to receive it in the near future. Additionally, Pocketpair's latest changelog hints at a forthcoming 'larger, more content-rich' Palworld update scheduled for summer 2024.

Palworld Update Patch Notes

Fresh Content

  • Unveiled the inaugural Raid Boss
  • Summon Raid Boss Pals using slabs at the new Summoning Altar
  • Raid Boss Pals summoned via slabs are formidable and uncatchable, necessitating teamwork with base Pals to combat them
  • Obtain Pal Eggs after defeating Raid Boss Pals
  • Encounter an 'extreme' version of the Raid Boss, presenting a formidable challenge
  • Introduction of new 'Training Manual' items for granting experience points to Pals
  • Inclusion of 'Ancient Technical Manual' item, providing ancient technology points and discoverable in dungeon chests
  • Addition of 'Recovery Meds' items for gradual HP replenishment
  • Debut of 'Homeward Thundercloud' item for instant transport to the nearest base
  • Introduction of 'Ability Glasses' item for viewing Pal stats when equipped
  • Incorporation of stat-boosting items: 'Power Fruit, Life Fruit, Stout Fruit' for enhancing Pal capabilities
  • Integration of new passive skill 'Mercy Hit' preventing enemy HP reduction below 1 during attacks
  • Introduction of 'Ring of Mercy' item to restrict enemy HP reduction during attacks
  • Addition of 'Multiclimate Undershirt' armor for dual heat and cold protection
  • Inclusion of 'Electric Egg Incubator' building for automated egg temperature adjustment
  • Introduction of 'Ore Mining Site' building for on-site ore production

Pal-Specific Adjustments and Enhancements

  • Kelpsea now generates Pal Fluids at the ranch
  • Dumud now produces High-Quality Pal Oil at the ranch
  • Reduced metal ore weight while riding Surfent Terra
  • Increased ore yield while riding Astegon
  • Maximize Pal rank in a single synthesis using the Pal Essence Condenser
  • (Condensation progress accumulated within individual Pals)
  • Resolution of negative Pal status after Pal Box dwelling

User Interface Tweaks and Updates

  • Sphere aiming now indicates captured target Pal count
  • Track partner skill cooldowns for all Pals on the main screen
  • Access equipment and item stats on the technology screen, regardless of unlocking status
  • Enhanced tutorial renamed to 'Journey'
  • Toggle 'Journey' visibility in game settings
  • Modify damage number display size in game options, especially beneficial during Raid Boss battles

Player-Centric Modifications

  • Items dropped by players post-death on dedicated servers available for pickup after 24 hours
  • Introduction of a new 'sleeping' player emote

Base-Related Updates

  • Manage specific base Pal tasks at the Monitoring Stand
  • Implement chest filters to regulate item types in chests
  • Auto-transport crafted items from crafting facilities by enabling 'allow transport' during crafting
  • Customize character appearance anytime using the 'Antique Dresser'
  • Relaxed building and piece placement rules
  • Connect upward-facing stairs
  • Directly attach roof pieces to foundations
  • Link triangular walls with stairs
  • Direct Pal work and cancel breaks by physically moving them to facilities
  • (Pals recover SAN during breaks, exercise caution!)
  • Fixed assignments persist after adverse events, ensuring stability unless Pals are placed in the Pal Box

Balancing Tweaks

  • Minimum heat and cold resistance added to various armors for seamless temperature management
  • Reduced button press time in the egg incubator
  • Enhanced Jormuntide Ignis pattern for uniqueness
  • Introduction of legendary blueprints for specific firearms (dropped by select enemies)
  • Adjusted diamond selling prices for accuracy
  • Restricted initial spawn point selection in single-player mode
  • Blocked the rear of starting areas with rocks to prevent player disorientation
  • Standardized attack power multiplier for partner skills at 1.2
  • Chance for eggs to yield Alpha Pals
  • Immunity to falling damage for flying and floating Pals
  • Price adjustments in shops

Bug Rectifications

  • Resolved issue where dungeon chests emptied upon player demise
  • Corrected the duplication of the player's attack power boost while riding under specific conditions
  • Fixed loot acquisition glitch when capturing Pals while mounted
  • Adjusted Legendary Pal HP and addressed discrepancies between captured and bred variants
  • Rectified Pal eating behavior while riding
  • Fixed sphere targeting proximity issue with wild Pals

Additional Updates

  • Enhanced Pal models and textures
  • Added and adjusted sound effects
  • Miscellaneous minor bug fixes

Dedicated Servers

  • Resolved server list sorting malfunction
  • Enhanced server list navigation with page transitions
  • Expanded log outputs support for dedicated servers
  • Implementation of REST API functionality
  • Refer to the Palworld tech guide for detailed information

Cheat Prevention Measures

  • Addressed Steam account spoofing vulnerability
  • Corrected seven critical vulnerabilities

Soundtrack Addition

  • Included a new track in the soundtrack; update for existing soundtrack owners
  • Note: Soundtrack update may require a few days to reflect