Exciting Updates on Remedy's Upcoming Games Revealed

Learn about the latest developments from Remedy, including insights on the Max Payne remakes and other anticipated titles.
Exciting Updates on Remedy's Upcoming Games Revealed


  • Remedy Entertainment shares progress on Max Payne remakes and Control 2 development timelines.
  • Max Payne remake and Control 2 are in pre-production phases, while Codename Condor is in full production.
  • Remedy's interconnected universe of games continues to expand, offering fans a rich gaming experience.

Game developer Remedy Entertainment has recently provided an update on the development stages of its highly anticipated projects, including the remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2, Control 2, and Codename Condor. These titles have generated significant excitement since their initial announcements in 2022, and fans can now anticipate the next phases of their creation.

The Max Payne games have long been cherished by players, with the original titles released in 2001 and 2003. Similarly, Control gained immense popularity upon its 2019 debut, leaving fans hungry for more of its captivating gameplay reminiscent of iconic action movies.

According to Remedy's investor report, the Max Payne 1+2 remake and Control 2 are currently in pre-production stages. While Max Payne 1+2 is in the final stages before full production, Control 2 is expected to transition by Q2 of this year. Additionally, the multiplayer game Codename Condor is actively being developed, promising a distinctive experience within the Remedy gaming universe.

Insights into Remedy's Future Releases

The Max Payne 1+2 remake aims to combine the two classics into an updated single release. Despite being in pre-production readiness since October 2023, Remedy has reassured stakeholders that full production will commence by Q2 2024. Meanwhile, Control 2 is fine-tuning its elements for the next phase of development, mirroring the timeline of the Max Payne remake. Remedy is also actively involved in projects like Codename Kestral, additional multiplayer titles, and expansions for Alan Wake 2.

Fans eagerly anticipate the growth of Remedy's interconnected gaming universe, especially the intertwining narratives of Alan Wake and Control. The shared universe offers a wealth of storytelling opportunities, enhancing the gaming experience for enthusiasts. With the promise of a revamped Max Payne and a lineup of interconnected titles, Remedy fans can look forward to an exciting future in gaming.