Unveiling: Top Choices for Ranger Weapons in the Early Game

Discover the essential weapons that can significantly enhance a Ranger's survival odds in the initial stages of Enshrouded.
Unveiling: Top Choices for Ranger Weapons in the Early Game


  • Starting as a Ranger in Enshrouded presents challenges, especially in melee-heavy early-game scenarios.
  • A Torch serves as a crucial backup melee weapon and light source for Rangers navigating dark environments.
  • Upgrading from the basic Bow to more potent options like the Forest Longbow is vital for effective ranged combat.

Enshrouded, which debuted in early 2024, is an action-packed RPG that seamlessly blends survival, crafting, and base-building elements. Garnering positive feedback upon release, the game impresses with its meticulously designed expansive open-world map waiting to be explored by players.

Embarking on an Enshrouded journey as a Ranger proves to be a challenging endeavor, especially for lone wolves. The Ranger's true potential shines through once equipped adequately with a reliable bow, typically obtained in the latter part of the game's early phase.

7 Torch

A Melee Necessity for Novice Rangers


  • Damage: 9
  • Durability: 50

For solo Rangers, the early game proves more demanding due to the prevalence of close-quarters melee encounters, especially within caves and confined spaces. Maneuvering a bow effectively becomes challenging in such environments, underscoring the need for a backup melee weapon. The versatile Torch not only deals ample damage against early foes but also illuminates dark caverns, serving as a dual-purpose tool for the Ranger.

6 Shield

Added Defense for Close Combat


  • Block: 2
  • Parry: 10
  • Durability: 80

Crafting requirements:

  • Wood Logs: 6
  • String: 1

Crafting the basic Shield independently proves crucial for Ranger-focused players thrust into early-game melee skirmishes in Enshrouded. The shield provides access to crucial blocking and stunning mechanics, amplifying the Ranger's survivability during close combat engagements. Gathering the required materials, such as wood logs and string, poses minimal challenge, with wood logs obtainable from trees and string craftable from plant fibers sourced from shrubbery. Augmenting this defensive tool with synergistic tank skills further enhances its protective capabilities.

5 Bow

Primer on the Player-Crafted Bow


  • Power: 8
  • Draw speed: 1.0 seconds
  • Durability: 100

Crafting requirements:

  • Twigs: 5
  • String: 1

The rudimentary player-crafted Bow marks the initial foray into proper ranged weaponry for Rangers. While serviceable, this bow's effectiveness wanes quickly, necessitating an early upgrade. Although sufficient for basic resource gathering near starting points, its inadequacy in dispatching distant foes before they close in for melee combat warrants a speedy replacement.

4 Forest Longbow

Early Acquisition Gem


  • Power: 10
  • Stamina cost: 15
  • Draw speed: 1.0 seconds
  • Arrow speed: 7%
  • Durability: 250

The Forest Longbow often emerges as one of the earliest bow upgrades for Enshrouded's players. Typically found in chests, with higher-tier chests offering a chance at epic or legendary variants, beginners are more likely to stumble upon the uncommon version in the game's initial zones. This improved bow provides a decent boost in effectiveness, enabling players to thin out enemy ranks from a distance, albeit caution is advised when facing groups of foes, necessitating a backup melee option.