Unveiling the Prefect 4 in Black Butler

Delve into the essential roles of the Prefect 4 as they assist Ciel Phantomhive in his investigation at Weston College.
Unveiling the Prefect 4 in Black Butler


  • Discover the distinct attributes symbolized by the houses at Weston College: Scarlet Fox for high birth, Sapphire Owl for academics, Green Lion for sports, and Violet Wolf for artists.
  • Meet the influential Prefects - Edgar Redmond, Lawrence Bluewer, Herman Greenhill, and Gregory Violet - responsible for maintaining order and standards within their respective houses.
  • Witness Ciel's challenging journey through the strict house segregation at Weston College while striving to earn the Prefect 4's support for his investigative mission.

Exploring the Public School Arc of Black Butler, we follow Ciel Phantomhive and his demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, on a mission to uncover the mysteries behind the disappearances at Weston College. This journey leads Ciel to enroll in Great Britain's prestigious public school, where he must navigate through a closed-off environment and interact with the influential Prefect 4 - key student leaders crucial to maintaining order and upholding rules at the school.

The Diverse Houses of Weston

Weston College sorts its students into houses, each representing unique attributes through distinct colors. Prefects like Edgar Redmond, Lawrence Bluewer, Herman Greenhill, and Gregory Violet play vital roles in overseeing the diverse criteria of their respective houses.

Exploring the Prefects and Houses

  • The Scarlet Fox House and Prefect Edgar Redmond
    Students of high birth find a home in the Scarlet Fox House under the guidance of Prefect Edgar Redmond. Edgar, known for his friendly demeanor, takes pride in appearance and tends to adopt a laid-back attitude despite his house's prestigious status.
  • The Sapphire Owl House and Prefect Lawrence Bluewer
    Representing academic excellence, Sapphire Owl House is led by Prefect Lawrence Bluewer, a serious and dedicated individual known for upholding regulations and traditional values with unwavering dedication.
  • The Green Lion House and Prefect Herman Greenhill
    Housing students skilled in sports, the Green Lion House is overseen by Prefect Herman Greenhill, who balances discipline with moments of light-heartedness, showcasing trust in his colleagues.
  • The Violet Wolf House and Prefect Gregory Violet
    Artistic individuals find solace in the Violet Wolf House under Prefect Gregory Violet's supervision. Gregory's reserved nature and exceptional artistic talent set him apart, hinting at a unique and unconventional mindset.

The Significance of the Prefect 4

Ciel's investigation into the missing students at Weston College highlights the vital role of the Prefect 4. These influential student leaders not only hold sway over their peers and the Head Master but also possess valuable insights crucial to Ciel's mission. By gaining their favor, Ciel unlocks a network of information and resources necessary to unravel the school's hidden secrets.

Navigating Challenges

While facing the obstacles of house segregation, Ciel must strategically engage with the Prefect 4 to overcome communication barriers and social norms. By leveraging their influence, Ciel aims to bridge house boundaries and access vital information essential for solving the mysteries within Weston College.

As the plot unfolds in the Public School Arc of Black Butler, the Prefect 4's support becomes pivotal in aiding Ciel Phantomhive's investigation. Their influence over the student body and the Head Master grants Ciel access to critical insights and connections necessary to unravel the dark truths concealed within the school's walls. Stay tuned for the release of Black Butler: Public School Arc on April 13, 2024, on Crunchyroll.
