Unveiling the Innovative Revolver Mechanic in Rise of the Ronin

Discover how Rise of the Ronin blends influences from different games to create a unique combat experience.
Unveiling the Innovative Revolver Mechanic in Rise of the Ronin


  • Rise of the Ronin introduces a strategic balance between challenging gameplay and open-world accessibility, drawing inspiration from FromSoftware's signature style.
  • The Revolver in Rise of the Ronin functions similarly to Bloodborne's Trick Weapons, offering players the ability to deflect attacks and unleash devastating damage.
  • Unlocking the Revolver in Rise of the Ronin enhances combat dynamics by disrupting enemy skills and providing tactical advantages to players.

Team Ninja's Rise of the Ronin presents a blend of influences that culminate in a gratifying gameplay experience, even while traversing familiar ground. Prior to its launch, one prevalent query surrounding Rise of the Ronin was how much of Team Ninja's Soulslike essence would permeate the gameplay. Balancing between a demanding Soulslike and an accessible open-world action-adventure, the game unmistakably pays homage to FromSoftware's creations. An unexpected twist comes in the form of a variation on Bloodborne's Trick Weapons.

Besides the conventional blade weapons, the protagonist in Rise of the Ronin wields firearms and diverse ranged sub-weapons. While rifles cater to long-range combat as expected, the revolver emerges as a standout choice for executing the game's parry mechanic, Counterspark. With the revolver, players can leverage their Bloodborne Trick Weapon familiarity to skillfully deflect enemy assaults and unleash significant close-range damage.

A Fresh Take on Bloodborne's Distinctive Mechanic

The incorporation of a Twist Weapon akin to Bloodborne in Rise of the Ronin introduces a refreshing surprise, particularly since FromSoftware has yet to adopt a similar feature in their games. While Soulsborne titles emphasize melee combat, encouraging defensive maneuvers like blocking and parrying, Bloodborne stands out for its emphasis on agility and aggression, highlighted by the absence of dedicated defensive tools outside of Trick Weapons.

Players who integrate Bloodborne's Trick Weapons into their combat repertoire reap significant rewards. Noteworthy for encouraging players to utilize Trick Weapons, the Father Gascoigne boss fight exemplifies their importance in staggering foes. Successfully timing shots to align with enemy moves can stagger them, setting them up for devastating attacks, akin to Rise of the Ronin's revolver sub-weapons.

Elevating Combat with Rise of the Ronin's Revolver

Firearms in Rise of the Ronin provide a strategic edge against adversaries. Rifles excel in stealth scenarios, offering added strength to the player. Unlocking the ability to deflect bullets back at rifle-wielding foes ignites the player's primary weapon through Counterspark, enabling massive damage. Combat in the game revolves around managing enemy health and Ki while considering one's own, with firearms significantly empowering players.

The advantage escalates upon unlocking the revolver a few hours into the main narrative. Skillfully firing from the hip with the revolver disrupts enemy Martial Skills and depletes their Ki, paving the way for a string of follow-up assaults that rival or surpass the impact of a Visceral Attack from Bloodborne. While Rise of the Ronin's swordplay draws from Sekiro, its firearms resonate more with Bloodborne's arsenal.