Unreleased Zelda Games: A Look at Cancelled Adventures

Exploring the untold stories behind cancelled Zelda games from the iconic franchise.
Unreleased Zelda Games: A Look at Cancelled Adventures


  • Zelda franchise has a history of cancelled games, from a Sheikah JRPG to a Zelda 2 remake on the SNES.
  • Cancelled projects like Zelda 3 and Wind Waker 2 had ambitious plans that never came to fruition.
  • Retro Studios' proposal of a Zelda tactics game named Heroes of Hyrule was turned down by Nintendo.

Throughout its extensive history spanning nearly four decades, The Legend of Zelda has given us some truly remarkable games. But hidden beneath the success of the series lie a few unfinished tales - adventures that were halted before seeing the light of day. Cancelled video games are not uncommon, even for the most revered franchises, and Zelda is no exception.

From games in full production to those just starting development, the Zelda series has its own share of unrealized potential. Even the valiant Hero of Time couldn't shield these projects from the harsh world of business decisions. Nintendo's archives hold shelved dreams, ranging from direct sequels to peculiar spin-offs, offering a glimpse into what could have been in this enduring adventure saga.

6 The Lost Zelda 2 Remake on SNES

Unveiling the Unfinished Plan for a Remake

Despite its departure from its predecessor, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link introduced pivotal elements to the franchise, such as the magic meter. Plans were afoot to remake this iconic title for the SNES, leveraging the emerging 3D technology and polygons over sprites. The Super FX chip, known for titles like Star Fox and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, hinted at a grand revival for Link. However, as fate would have it, the project was abandoned in favor of a full-fledged 3D Zelda adventure on the N64. A missed opportunity, especially in the wake of the success of the Link's Awakening remake on the Switch.

5 The Sheikah JRPG That Never Was

Unraveling the Enigmatic Sheikah RPG

If any tribe in the Zelda universe deserved a standalone adventure, it was the Sheikah. This enigmatic faction, with roots tracing back to Ocarina of Time, had a profound impact on the series. In 2007, Retro Studios delved into crafting a JRPG exploring the Sheikah's origins. The narrative was set to delve into the fabled Master Sword's genesis, promising a unique spin-off experience. Regrettably, due to internal upheavals at Retro, the project was shelved in favor of Donkey Kong Country Returns. Coincidentally, the release of Skyward Sword in 2011 further solidified the Master Sword's lore.

4 Zelda 3: A Sci-Fi Odyssey

Unveiling the Uncharted Territory of Zelda 3

Prior to the release of A Link to the Past on the SNES in 1992, the ambitious Zelda 3 was in the works, promising a radical departure. This iteration would have seen Link traversing three distinct realms, with actions in one realm affecting others. The game also toyed with a party system, a popular RPG mechanic at the time. While these innovative concepts influenced A Link to the Past, the sci-fi elements and party dynamics were abandoned in subsequent iterations, leaving a unique vision of Zelda unexplored.

3 Ura Zelda: The Unfulfilled Promise

Enhancing Ocarina of Time with 64DD

With the 64DD add-on for the N64, Nintendo aimed to elevate gaming experiences. Ura Zelda was envisioned as an expansion of the beloved Ocarina of Time, introducing features like persistent world changes and lasting environmental interactions. Sadly, technical constraints led to the shelving of Ura Zelda. Elements from this canceled project resurfaced in later titles like Breath of the Wild, showcasing a glimpse of the game that could have been.

2 The Lost Sequel: Wind Waker 2

The Untold Story of Wind Waker's Sequel

Following the success of The Wind Waker, plans were laid for a direct sequel leveraging existing assets for efficiency. However, shifting market demands and performance concerns led to the cancellation of The Wind Waker 2, redirecting efforts towards a darker, more mature successor: Twilight Princess. Characters like Midna were salvaged from the abandoned project, enriching the tapestry of the next Zelda installment.

1 Heroes of Hyrule: The Missed Opportunity

Unveiling the Rejected Zelda Tactical RPG

The allure of a tactical RPG set in the Zelda universe captivated Retro Studios in 2004, leading to the proposal of Heroes of Hyrule. This concept, designed for the Nintendo DS, offered a fresh perspective with Link in a supporting role. The game's progression, tied to a mystical book, hinted at a rich narrative intertwined with strategic battles and classic Zelda puzzles. Despite its promise, Nintendo opted for a different path, leaving this untold adventure in the annals of game development.