Unraveling The Thaumaturge: Shadows Of Sins Past Walkthrough

Embark on a journey through Shadows of Sins Past, a captivating prologue quest in The Thaumaturge. Discover the steps to complete it and delve deeper into the storyline.
Unraveling The Thaumaturge: Shadows Of Sins Past Walkthrough


  • Immerse in the early 1900s detective adventure game, The Thaumaturge, set in Warsaw.
  • Unlock supernatural abilities as Wiktor, a thaumaturge, and explore a gripping narrative.
  • Navigate through the Shadows of Sins Past quest with strategic decisions and investigative gameplay.

The Thaumaturge thrusts players into a detective-style escapade in 1900s Warsaw. Delve into a world of intrigue, where unraveling clues and engaging with NPCs are pivotal to unveiling a rich, complex storyline. Wiktor, a thaumaturge, wields supernatural powers, tapping into demonic spirits to influence those around him.

The game commences with Wiktor's journey through the forest, exchanging letters with his sister, Ligia, before reaching a train station to send a telegram through the Postmaster. Although players can customize the telegram's content, its impact on the plot is minor. After a brief interaction with the Postmaster, Wiktor is directed to meet the Coachman, who offers to transport him to a nearby village to address his deteriorating condition.

Locate the Miracle Worker in the Village

Upon the game's onset, players encounter interactive items like notes and letters at the station, providing supplementary context. Exiting the station introduces the Perception tutorial, enabling players to use Wiktor's powers to navigate towards objectives. Guided by Perception, players find the Coachman to progress.

Interacting with the Coachman initiates a conversation where Wiktor can inquire about the Healer's whereabouts, leading to their journey to the village. This inter-village travel mechanism is recurrent throughout the expansive game map. Upon reaching the village, the Coachman mentions the Healer's presence at the Tavern across the main square.

Outside the Tavern, Russian soldiers confront Wiktor, instigating a tutorial combat scenario. Overcoming the soldiers, players meet Rasputin in the Tavern's corner, engaged in healing practices.

Explore the Tavern and Uncover Rasputin's Artifacts

Interacting with Rasputin prompts a demonstration of Wiktor's Thaumaturgic abilities. By discerning emotional imprints on objects, players must locate items in the Tavern. After acquiring a Trace with Rasputin's prayer beads, players use Perception to unveil three objects in the room:

  • A dirty bowl requiring a Word skill of 1.
  • A haircloth near the fireplace, necessitating a Mind skill of 1 to unlock.
  • The Prayer Book by the window advancing the quest upon interaction.

Discover the Path

Returning to Rasputin, he initiates the healing process to restore Wiktor's bond with his Salutor, Upyr. During this healing trance, Wiktor navigates a parallel reality. Following the left path leads to a significant encounter with a haunting vision of his father.

Identify the Flaw-Bearer in the Village

The gameplay expands, allowing players to pursue diverse objectives. To unveil the Flaw-bearer within the village, players must complete multiple tasks to uncover crucial information.

Locate Rasputin at the Cemetery

Players are tasked with finding Rasputin at the local cemetery, necessitating dialogue manipulation with the Coachman to reach the site. By utilizing Perception to find specific items, players can persuade the Coachman through highlighted dialogue choices.

Investigate Vasili's Burned Homestead

Rasputin discloses suspicions of foul play in Vasili's demise, prompting an investigation at the Burned Homestead. Analyzing clues, players unlock revelations linking the murder to the Flaw's allure of a Salutor. Combat ensues, incorporating Salutor abilities for a challenging yet surmountable battle.

Engage with Vesna

Interacting with villagers reveals Vesna's significance in the murder investigation. Conversing with her, players unveil critical information, leading to decisions influencing the storyline's course. Manipulating events using thaumaturgic abilities or persuasive tactics alters the fate of key characters.

Embark on the Forest Clearing Journey

Travel to the forest clearing triggers a climactic confrontation unveiling pivotal truths. Engage in a strategic combat sequence to sever the Flaw's connection to the malevolent presence, steering the narrative towards crucial decisions shaping the characters' destinies.

As the shadows of the past converge with the present, players hold the reins to determine the outcome of this enthralling tale, balancing choices that ripple through the intricate web of The Thaumaturge's immersive universe.