Unraveling the Mystery of Snipers in Shadows of Doubt

Exploring the nuances of tracking down snipers in Shadows of Doubt and understanding the intricate workings of sniper crimes.
Unraveling the Mystery of Snipers in Shadows of Doubt


  • Understanding the sniper's tactics and locating vantage points is crucial in solving cases.
  • Investigating the secondary crime scene for evidence like the murder weapon and shell casings is key.
  • Identifying the killer, gathering evidence, and filing a comprehensive report are essential steps in sniper cases.

Embark on a thrilling journey in Shadows of Doubt post the Sharpshooter Assassin Update, where encountering a Sniper poses a new challenge for players. These elusive killers use long-range rifles to strike from a distance, complicating the hunt. To succeed, players must now identify vantage points and explore secondary crime scenes.

The Sharpshooter Assassin Update enriches Shadows of Doubt with Social Credit Perks and an Auto-Travel feature for smoother city navigation, offering a host of new experiences for returning players. This guide delves into strategies for tracking down snipers, emphasizing effective investigative techniques.

Step 1: Deciphering Bullet Trajectories and Pinpointing the Secondary Crime Scene

Analyzing the origin of the shot is critical in sniper investigations. Snipers typically aim from a position 1-3 floors above their target, often in a nearby building. To trace the shot's direction, inspect nearby windows or walls for bullet holes. Considering the victim's visible windows can help narrow down potential angles.

After identifying possible shooting directions, explore buildings across from the crime scene in those angles. Search for apartments or rooms facing the primary scene and situated 1-3 floors above it. Consult your City Map, aligning your viewpoint with the victim's to identify potential Sniper Nests.

Delve into the victim's residence for clues on the stalker's identity, aiding in narrowing down suspects. Visit locations where the victim spotted the stalker for potential leads. Once a suspect is named, cross-reference with the City Directory to locate their residence and confirm a possible Secondary Crime Scene.

Step 2: Scrutinizing the Secondary Crime Scene and Uncovering the Murder Weapon

Exploring the Secondary Crime Scene entails locating two vital pieces of evidence. Firstly, find the Murder Weapon, typically a rifle. It might be concealed at the scene, the suspect's workplace, or in their possession. Locating the Murder Weapon is pivotal for case resolution.

Secondly, search for shell casings, indicating a fired weapon at the Secondary Crime Scene. These are crucial for pinpointing the scene. Fingerprints from the weapon and casings can link the suspect to the location, aiding in building a solid case.

Step 3: Pinning down the Killer and Completing the Report

With the killer identified, the Murder Weapon located, and the Secondary Crime Scene established, it's time to connect the dots. Unravel the killer's identity, gather evidence, and prepare a comprehensive report. Ensure you can answer key questions and provide substantial proof for a successful resolution.

Submit your findings at City Hall, having navigated the intricate world of sniper investigations in Shadows of Doubt. Congratulations on another mystery solved!