Unraveling the Mystery of Boruto's Kara Organization

Delving into the hidden motives and power dynamics of Kara, a clandestine group with ambitions that transcend the ordinary. What drives their actions and who truly wields influence within their enigmatic ranks?
Unraveling the Mystery of Boruto's Kara Organization


  • Kara, under the leadership of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, seeks to revive the Ōtsutsuki lineage by nurturing divine trees through vessels like Kawaki.
  • Structured with inner and outer members, Kara undertakes missions related to cursed seals, scientific experiments, and acts of terrorism.
  • Following Isshiki's demise, Code assumes control of Kara, steering it towards independent Ōtsutsuki-centric objectives, aspiring to ascend as an Ōtsutsuki.

The Boruto series introduces Kara as a significant antagonistic force. Initially guided by the Ōtsutsuki clan member Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, Kara operates covertly from concealed facilities. Their primary objective revolves around securing vessels to enable the resurrection of the Ōtsutsuki lineage. To achieve this, Kara orchestrates the creation of individuals like Kawaki, designed to undergo potent Ōtsutsuki transformations through specialized experiments and training.

Under Isshiki's leadership, Kara is divided into inner and outer circles. Known for activities involving cursed seals, scientific breakthroughs, and acts of terrorism spanning the Five Great Nations, Kara establishes itself as a formidable threat to shinobi villages, relentlessly pursuing the augmentation of Ōtsutsuki power. Leveraging advanced technology and hidden bases, Kara poses a significant challenge to traditional authorities like Konoha.

Kara's Origin Story: The Genesis of a Secretive Cabal

Kara's inception traces back to Isshiki Ōtsutsuki, who, critically injured in a clash with Kaguya Ōtsutsuki centuries ago on Earth, took refuge in the body of the monk Jigen to survive. Establishing Kara, Isshiki enlisted elite shinobi called "Inners" to aid in cultivating a divine tree and harvesting its chakra fruit. The consumption of this fruit was believed to restore Isshiki's vitality and power. Even in death, Isshiki's legacy shapes Kara's pursuits under new leadership.

Upon Isshiki's demise due to a flawed revival in Jigen's vessel, command fell to Code, an Inner among the 15 children subjected to Isshiki's experiments to find a suitable host. Distinguished by a unique white Kāma seal instead of the standard Ōtsutsuki markings, Code was directed by Isshiki's residual will to seize control of Kara and advance the clan's enigmatic goals, eluding authorities like Konoha.

Organized Chaos: The Hierarchical Structure of Kara

Kara adheres to a rigid hierarchy, categorizing members into ranks akin to a hidden village. At the pinnacle reside the formidable Inners, each overseeing specific territories for the organization. Distinguished by facial tattoos in Roman numerals and distinct cloak linings, these Inners command authority. Beneath them operate the Outers, tasked with espionage, sabotage, and executing diverse missions.

Among the known ranks are the "associates," exemplified by the cyborgs ADA and Daemon, crafted by Kara's chief scientist, Amado, as living weapons. The lower echelons housed experimental cultists under Inner Boro's guidance, most of whom were eradicated. This tiered system, with the Inners at its zenith, furnishes Kara with a well-structured command chain for global deployments in pursuit of their undisclosed aims.

The Vision of Isshiki Ōtsutsuki for Kara

In Kara's nascent stages under Isshiki's tutelage, the primary objective was to nurture a divine tree within a specified timeframe, yielding a chakra fruit capable of healing Isshiki's wounds completely. To this end, Kara's scientific division revolutionized forbidden ninja tools and enhanced members such as the Inners with cybernetic augmentations. Concurrently, Isshiki initiated an unsuccessful project to identify a vessel compatible with his consciousness transfer, involving 15 subjects, including Kawaki.

However, with Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki's possession of Boruto altering the trajectory, Kara redirected its focus towards capturing the latter as a more suitable host. Isshiki intended to claim Boruto's enhanced body, bestowed with the Karma seal, for himself. Following Isshiki and Jigen's demise, their residual essence within Code's seal reshaped Kara's objectives.

Kara's Evolution Under Fresh Leadership

Post-Isshiki's passing, Code, imbued with Isshiki's White Kāma, received instructions to inherit the Ōtsutsuki mantle. Assuming leadership of Kara, Code allied with Amado's awakened cyborg, Ada, in a vendetta against Amado. With Ada's subsequent allegiance to Konohagakure following persuasion from Shikamaru Nara, Code finds himself alone at the helm of Kara, fixated on eliminating Kawaki using the Ten-Tails. Kara's trajectory under Code's rule transitions from supporting Isshiki's aspirations to championing Code's personal ambitions, persisting in the pursuit of Ōtsutsuki-related goals through any means necessary.

Key Figures of Kara

Noteworthy members of Kara include:

  • Code - Presently the solitary surviving Inner and leader post-Isshiki's demise.
  • Delta - The foremost Inner boasting formidable cyborg enhancements, specializing in combat and assassination.
  • Koji Kashin - A Kara operative modified by Amado, functioning as a spy before defecting, eliminating Jigen, and subsequently succumbing to Isshiki.
  • Boro - The third Inner, overseeing an experimental cult that served Kara's interests until vanquished by Momoshiki.
  • Kawaki - Former vessel of Isshiki, now safeguarded by Konoha and targeted by Code.

Upholding the Cause: Kara's Present-Day Endeavors

Despite Isshiki's fall, Kara persists in clandestine yet extensive operations, clandestinely and overtly, preserving its enigmatic presence as a perpetual menace. Ongoing activities overseen by Code encompass:

  • Advancing forbidden ninja tool technology through persistent scientific research.
  • Espionage efforts targeting potential adversaries like Konoha via a network of global Outer spies.
  • Recruitment of isolationist cultists to bolster disposable experimental ranks, as epitomized by Boro's followers.
  • Surveillance of Kawaki post-defection, recognizing his significance as a potential Karma bearer.
  • Covert monitoring of emerging talents in the new generation, such as Boruto, for capabilities advantageous to Kara's objectives.
  • Undertaking undisclosed experiments utilizing remnants of Isshiki and Jigen's genetic legacies and abilities.

While Code's objectives diverge from Isshiki's resurrection agenda, Kara's pursuits evidently revolve around acquiring elusive chakra-related power through their ongoing endeavors. The organization remains resolute in either capturing or neutralizing Kawaki, should he impede Code's aspirations for ascendancy. Only by uncovering Kara's veiled operations can entities like Konoha hope to counter their ominous machinations.

Boruto is available for streaming on Prime Video.
