Unraveling Disc Puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous

Discover how to master Disc puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous to unveil hidden oceanic secrets and enhance your collection.
Unraveling Disc Puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous


  • Learn how to tackle Disc puzzles and delve into the depths of Endless Ocean Luminous.
  • Understand the significance of rank in solving Disc puzzles and progressing in the game.
  • Explore strategies to conquer Disc puzzles and unlock exciting content in your logs.

Embark on a journey in Endless Ocean Luminous where mysterious Discs await amidst your light collection and tag setting adventures. These enigmatic Discs hold the key to expanding your logs and unraveling the secrets hidden within the relic tablet.

Deciphering the clues presented by Disc puzzles may initially appear straightforward, yet various factors, such as your rank, significantly influence your ability to solve them. Your rank not only dictates your progress in the game but also determines the space available for befriending larger fish. Discover the essentials of tackling Disc puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous and elevate your gaming experience.

Cracking the Code of Disc Puzzles in Endless Ocean Luminous

To activate a Disc puzzle, simply stand at its center and press the A button. A brief cutscene will reveal a riddle hinting at the type of creature required to pass by and solve the puzzle. For example, a puzzle might prompt you to "Return here while swimming alongside a creature of countless blades."

In this scenario, the nearby Barred Knifejaw holds the answer. Locate, scan, and befriend it to swim in tandem. Return to the puzzle's center with the Barred Knifejaw, and its presence will signal puzzle completion.

When hunting for the requisite creature, remember two key points. Firstly, the answer to the riddle is typically in close proximity to the Disc, so stay near while searching. Secondly, befriending larger fish requires a higher rank, potentially hindering immediate puzzle resolution due to rank restrictions.

If a Disc puzzle proves challenging, retreat to Dive in Solo mode for a stress-free puzzle-solving environment. Consult your map by pressing X, note the coordinates, and acquire a Dive-Site ID upon Dive completion for future solo dives. This tactic ensures continuous gameplay and puzzle resolution at your convenience.

Encounter multiple Disc puzzles during your Dive in Endless Ocean Luminous, exclusive to Nintendo Switch, showcasing these puzzles in Shared or Solo dives. Embrace the ocean's vastness without the need for online play, and keep an eye out for Disc puzzles enriching your underwater exploration.