Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Deciphering the Enigmatic Trailers

The enigmatic trailers of Death Stranding 2 have left fans with a plethora of intriguing questions, promising an enthralling experience ahead.
Unraveling Death Stranding 2: Deciphering the Enigmatic Trailers


  • Death Stranding 2 unveils a peculiar new companion for Sam, a diminutive ventriloquist dummy with enigmatic abilities.
  • The fate of Lou, the Bridge Baby from the first game, remains ambiguous, raising uncertainties about her association with Higgs and her capacity to control robots.
  • A new character portrayed by George Miller takes the spotlight in the trailer, yet his role and connection to Fragile remain veiled, along with the significance of the BT cat accompanying him.

Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding was already a very surreal game full of bizarre imagery and strange occurrences. Even the whole setup of the game, the actual Death Stranding apocalypse, could get a bit confusing at times. Some parts of it started to make sense as the game progressed, but even then it could still get pretty weird. Now Death Stranding 2 has been confirmed, and two trailers have been released showing some information about the game, providing a little insight. It appears this new installment might be ready to out-weird its predecessor.

A few characters from the first game have been confirmed to be returning, though even they have some curious design changes, like Fragile's shoulder gloves and Higgs' sudden shift towards Joker cosplay. But they also revealed some very strange additions to the game. Across both trailers, though especially in the second, some very bizarre developments leave the viewer with a lot of questions.

1 Decoding the Puppet's Role

Sam's Unusual Companion

Death Stranding 2's trailer introduced peculiar characters, with one of the most intriguing being Sam's new traveling companion. This character resembles a diminutive ventriloquist dummy with a Yiddish accent and stop-motion-like movements. It seems to be a companion of Fragile, volunteering to accompany Sam on his adventures. Initially appearing to provide comic relief, there are indications of a deeper significance.

Fragile seems familiar with this character and urges Sam to take him, citing his "knowledge and experience" that could be valuable. Moreover, his peculiar interaction with Higgs, where his eyes turn red and his jaw seemingly disconnects in a physically impossible manner, raises numerous questions. Who is he? Why is he attached to Sam's belt? What valuable "knowledge and experience" does he possess? The trailer deliberately withholds crucial details.

2 The Enigma of Lou's Fate

Unraveling the Central Mystery

The concept of Bridge Babies is already peculiar, and both trailers hint at unsettling developments concerning the one Sam carried in the previous game. The teaser suggests Lou's demise as Fragile attempts to evacuate her during a catastrophic event. In the extended gameplay trailer, it becomes apparent that Higgs may be involved in her fate, holding knowledge unbeknownst to Sam.

Adding to the complexity, Higgs is then betrayed by one of his robots, accompanied by the sound of Lou's giggling, and viewers witness what seems to be Sam holding a very much alive Lou. The uncertainty surrounding Lou's status and her potential ability to hijack robots raises perplexing questions. What truly transpired? Is Lou deceased or is there more to her fate? Did she somehow transfer herself into a robot or gain the ability to control them? What is Higgs concealing? Only time will provide answers...

3 The Enigmatic Figure with Spectacles

Unveiling the New Mysterious Character

In an intriguing casting choice, Death Stranding 2 introduces a new character portrayed by Mad Max director George Miller. He becomes the second film director to join the series, following Guillermo Del Toro, yet his character's identity remains shrouded in mystery. His attire, featuring a peaked cap and a trenchcoat, implies a position of authority. Furthermore, he appears to be an ally of Fragile, potentially part of her crew.

The perplexing addition of a BT cat accompanying him raises further queries. Is there a connection akin to Mama and her baby in the first game? Despite frequent appearances in the trailer, this character intriguingly never speaks, hinting at a significant but undisclosed role.