Unlocking Dwarven Smithing in Dragon's Dogma 2

Discover the specialized Dwarven smithing style for enhancing Knockdown Power in Dragon's Dogma 2 and learn how to access it.
Unlocking Dwarven Smithing in Dragon's Dogma 2


  • Explore the unique Dwarven smithing style tailored for Warriors seeking enhanced Knockdown Power.
  • Embark on quests in Bakbattahl to unlock Dwarven smithing techniques and upgrade your gear.
  • Engage in the Steeled Resolve, Blazing Forge quest to acquire advanced Dwarven smithing abilities from Sara.

Uncover a distinct smithing style in Dragon's Dogma 2, each impacting gear in varied ways. While Vermundian smithing offers balanced enhancements, Battahli smithing boosts damage and defense at the expense of weight. Dwarven smithing, on the other hand, focuses on enhancing Knockdown Power, making it ideal for Warriors.

To access Dwarven smithing, journey to Bakbattahl, completing quests along the way and preparing for high-level challenges ahead.

Mastering Dwarven Smithing

Begin by roaming the castle grounds of Vermund post Disa's Plot and TheStolen Throne. Look for Roman, who will provide a sword to repair, initiating the Dulled Steel, Cold Forge quest leading you to a master blacksmith.

Upon reaching Bakbattahl, either complete the Feast of Deception quest or cross the river near Checkpoint Rest Town to access Brokkr's Smithy. Follow these steps:

Forging Ahead

Converse with Brokkr to commence the Steeled Resolve, Blazing Forge quest, a seamless continuation. Complete the tasks assigned by Brokkr to acquire Dwarven smithing techniques from Sara, offering gear upgrades with heightened Knockdown Power/Resistance.

If you enter the Unmoored World post-game without these quests, visit Brokkr and Sara in Bakbattahl to benefit from Sara's Dwarven smithing knowledge without completing initial quests.