7 Games That Unexpectedly Educate

Discover the surprising educational value of these entertaining video games.
7 Games That Unexpectedly Educate


  • Titles like Metal Gear Solid and Assassin's Creed integrate historical events and figures, offering players an unexpected educational experience.
  • The Oregon Trail, initially designed as an educational tool, immerses players in pioneer life, blending education with entertainment.
  • Games such as Rock Band 4 and Rocksmith provide opportunities for players to learn tangible skills like singing and playing the guitar through interactive gameplay.

While some may view video games as a distraction from learning, certain games can offer valuable educational experiences. The following titles prioritize entertainment but also serve as unexpected educational tools, offering players unique insights and skills.

7 Metal Gear Solid

Discover Historical Events and Military Equipment

The Metal Gear series incorporates historical events into its narratives, providing insights into real-world events like the Soviet-Afghan War. Players also gain knowledge about the weapons and equipment through in-game conversations.

6 Assassin's Creed

Immerse Yourself in History

Each Assassin's Creed title is set in a historical period, allowing players to interact with significant historical figures and explore the environment, providing an immersive history lesson.

5 The Oregon Trail

Experience the Challenges of Pioneer Life

  • First Released: 1971
  • Available On Various Consoles Including PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch

The Oregon Trail was originally designed to educate players about pioneer life in the United States. This game combines historical learning with engaging gameplay, offering insights into resource management and unpredictability.

4 Rock Band 4

Develop Musical Skills Through Gameplay

Games like Rock Band 4 provide players with the opportunity to develop real-life skills such as singing and harmonizing, enhancing their musical abilities through interactive gameplay.

3 Kerbal Space Program

Explore the World of Space Flight

Kerbal Space Program provides an accessible and accurate simulation of space travel, offering insights into the principles behind space exploration and missions.

2 Typing Of The Dead

Enhance Typing Skills While Defending Against Zombies

  • Released: 1999
  • Platforms: Arcade, Dreamcast, PS2, Windows, IOS

Typing of the Dead challenges players to improve their typing speed and accuracy while fending off zombies, offering an entertaining way to enhance essential typing skills.

1 Rocksmith

Learn to Play the Guitar Using a Real Instrument

  • First Released In 2011
  • Platforms: PS3, Xbox 360
  • Rocksmith+ Subscription Service Available On Windows, IOS, And Android

Rocksmith revolutionizes the rhythm genre by using a real electric guitar as a game peripheral, providing players with an authentic learning experience and an introduction to playing musical instruments.