Unexpected Super Mutant Move in Fallout 3

Discover the surprising skills of Super Mutant Behemoths in the Fallout universe.
Unexpected Super Mutant Move in Fallout 3


  • A Super Mutant Behemoth in Fallout 3 displayed an unexpected move by parrying a mini nuke attack, showcasing hidden battle skills.
  • Encountering one of the five Super Mutant Behemoths in the game can be a daunting and thrilling experience for players, even without witnessing a nuclear deflection.
  • As the Fallout franchise gains renewed popularity, unexpected moments like this Behemoth maneuver add to the excitement for fans.

A player in Fallout 3 recently encountered a surprising turn of events when facing one of the game's formidable foes. Although mini nukes fired from a Fat Man are known for their devastating impact, a Super Mutant Behemoth managed to evade nuclear destruction in a remarkable display of skill.

In Fallout 3, there are only five Super Mutant Behemoths, and players typically face their first encounter while pursuing Galaxy News Radio DJ Three Dog as part of the main storyline. These Behemoths introduced a new level of challenge with their imposing presence and melee-focused combat style, reflecting the series' transition to a first-person 3D perspective under Bethesda's direction.

This particular encounter showcased a rare ability of the Behemoth. In a Reddit video shared by user MrTRossa, the player attempted to strike the massive mutant's head with a Fat Man-launched mini nuke using VATS. Surprisingly, the Behemoth skillfully deflected the explosive projectile with its club, diverting the blast harmlessly and sparing everyone except a fallen Brotherhood of Steel knight in classic Fallout power armor, comically launched across the screen by the explosion.

Unforeseen Skills of Super Mutant Behemoths

The video's reception highlighted the unexpected nature of the Behemoth's defensive move against one of Fallout 3's most potent weapons. Despite a mere 32% success probability indicated in VATS, the mini nuke appeared to be on target before being repelled. The setting near the Galaxy News Radio building, a pivotal Behemoth battleground in the game, added to the tension, with viewers noting the alarming prospect of such an encounter as a first-time experience.

With a new audience drawn to the Fallout universe through the Amazon Prime streaming series, this revelation likely amplifies the fear factor. While the show explores human dynamics post-2077 nuclear devastation, the unexpected capabilities of even the fiercest super mutants may reignite interest in featuring them prominently once again.