Unveiling the Mystery of Pokemon GO Biomes

Discover the new biomes in Pokemon GO and unravel how they influence your gameplay.
Unveiling the Mystery of Pokemon GO Biomes


  • Biomes in Pokemon GO add realistic backgrounds to the game based on your location.
  • Various biomes like City, Mountain, Forest, and others change with the weather and seasons.
  • Exploring Pokemon GO with biomes makes gameplay more immersive and engaging.

Pokemon GO has recently rolled out an exciting update featuring not only revamped avatars but also new biomes that enhance the gaming experience by offering diverse backgrounds while capturing Pokemon. Interestingly, even a slight change in the Pokemon's position can alter the backdrop.

In most games, biomes are known for transforming the environments players traverse, such as transitioning between winter and summer biomes. Pokemon GO now boasts a wide array of biomes including lakes, beaches, and various woodlands. This article delves into the mechanics of these new biomes.

Demystifying Pokemon GO Biomes

Biomes represent the freshest addition to the beloved Pokemon mobile game, aiming to inject a sense of realism into the Pokemon-catching adventure. Most of the time, it succeeds, except for occasional glitches like placing you on a beach while you're actually queuing at a McDonald's drive-through.

The functioning of these new biomes revolves around pinpointing your location on the in-game map, a feature the game already employs. It then assigns a biome based on your geographical coordinates. For instance, playing in the heart of Virginia may display various wooded areas, rivers, and open woodlands in the backdrop, closely mirroring the real surroundings. These biomes also adjust with the prevailing weather conditions.

Diverse Biomes in Pokemon GO

The latest Pokemon GO update showcases a range of biomes that players may encounter:

  • City
  • Mountain
  • Forest
  • Ocean
  • Lake
  • River
  • Park
  • Grassland

Each of these biomes transforms with changing weather patterns, time of day, and seasons. Additionally, the background trees evolve in sync with the seasons – from cherry blossoms in spring to orange and yellow leaves in autumn, and bare trees with snowy landscapes in winter.

The recent biome update in Pokemon GO has remarkably captured the essence of the real world, elevating the thrill of exploration within the game. Gaming on the go has become even more captivating and immersive with the introduction of biomes.