Exploring Type Soul's Grade System

Discover the intricate world of Grades in Roblox: Type Soul and how they shape your character's progression.
Exploring Type Soul's Grade System


  • Different factions in Type Soul offer unique gameplay experiences and progression paths.
  • Earning Grades in Type Soul is essential for unlocking new abilities and advancing your character.
  • Each faction in Type Soul has specific requirements and methods to increase Grades.

Roblox: Type Soul presents diverse gameplay experiences based on the chosen faction, influencing abilities, weapons, and progression. To aid in faction selection, this guide will elaborate on the Grade system within Type Soul.

Grades signify ranks achievable by earning Exp, unlocking new abilities like Shikai or Schrift at certain levels, though this feat is challenging.

Strategies for Advancing Grades in Type Soul

To elevate your Grades in Type Soul, Exp acquisition is key. However, various activities offer different types of Exp, necessitating diverse approaches beyond player hunting or Raid completion.

Additionally, each faction demands distinct Exp quantities and types. Below, delve into Grade lists and attainment strategies in Type Soul for the three factions.

Unpacking Soul Reaper Grades

  • Trainee - Grade 3: Entry phase where embarking on the Shinigami path in Type Soul initiates. Progress hinges on teamwork in Mission completion for Exp accrual.
  • Grade 3 - Grade 2: Access to Divisions marks this stage, offering Division Exp alongside Mission Exp upon Division enlistment.
  • Grade 2 - Semi Grade 1: Soul Reapers can attain Shikai and Shikai Exp from Grade 2 onwards.
  • Semi Grade 1 - Elite Grade: Climbing to the pinnacle as a Shinigami mandates earning all specified Exp types, including grip EXP, edging closer to Bankai acquisition.

Decoding Hollow Grades

Hollow faction progression diverges, requiring Arrancar status attained by mask removal at various Hollow evolutionary stages, impacting character potency.

  • Fishbone: Mask removal is unfeasible.
  • Menos: Achieves Grade 5.
  • Adjuchas: Attains Grade 3.
  • Vastolorde: Reaches Semi-Grade 2.

Understanding the path to becoming a formidable Arrancar in Type Soul, let's explore faction progression strategies.

  • Grade 5 - Semi Grade 1: Advancement entails Mission Exp accumulation. Post Grade 2, access to Partial Resurreccion ability is granted.
  • Semi Grade 1 - Elite Grade: Unlike Shinigami, Arrancar's power peak requires Grip Exp and Mission Exp exclusively.

Demystifying Quincy Grades

  • Grade 5 - Semi Grade 1: Mimicking Arrancar progression, Quincy's advancement relies on Mission Exp accrual. Post Grade 2, Schrift ability becomes accessible.
  • Semi Grade 1 - Elite Grade: Ascending to the zenith as a Quincy in Type Soul necessitates substantial Exp gathering through Mission completion, Hollow NPC eliminations, and Gripping.