Unsung Heroes: 7 Overlooked Characters by Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog crafts compelling characters beyond the spotlight of their iconic protagonists, enriching their game narratives.
Unsung Heroes: 7 Overlooked Characters by Naughty Dog


  • Samos, the silent guide in Jak & Daxter's journey, holds pivotal importance behind the scenes.
  • Harry Flynn, a complex foil to Nathan Drake, adds depth to Uncharted 2's storyline.
  • Riley Abel's brief yet impactful presence shapes Ellie's character in The Last of Us: Left Behind.

Naughty Dog is known for its captivating characters, not just the popular ones like Nathan Drake or Crash Bandicoot. While these protagonists shine, there are lesser-known characters who play crucial roles in the broader narrative. These unsung heroes often get overshadowed in discussions but deserve recognition for their contributions to the rich tapestry of Naughty Dog's games.

Let's shed light on a few characters who deserve more appreciation:

7 Samos Hagai

Guiding Light in Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Samos mentors Jak & Daxter, steering them through their adventures. Despite his diminishing screen time, Samos remains the silent force guiding their journey, shaping the series' events from the shadows.

6 Harry Flynn (Uncharted 2)

Beyond the Antagonist: Harry Flynn's Intriguing Role

Harry Flynn, the contrasting figure to Nathan Drake, adds depth to Uncharted 2. Despite being overshadowed by the main villain, his complex character and motivations enrich the narrative.

5 Dingodile

More Than a Flamethrower: Dingodile's Unexplored Depths

Dingodile, often overshadowed by Crash Bandicoot's popularity, offers a unique boss fight experience. His character design and honorable defeat showcase layers unseen by many.

4 Baron Praxis

The Ruthless Tyrant in Jak 2

Baron Praxis, the menacing ruler in Jak & Daxter, embodies tyranny and cruelty. His formidable presence and dark backstory add layers to the game's antagonist, creating a compelling villain.

3 Dr. N Gin

The Mad Scientist in Crash Bandicoot 2

N. Gin, Cortex's brilliant adversary, brings a unique flair to Crash Bandicoot. His role in the storyline and distinctive design make him a standout character deserving more recognition.

2 Henry Burrell

Unsung Hero of The Last of Us

Henry's selfless acts in The Last of Us exemplify bravery and sacrifice. His impact on Joel and Ellie's journey, though brief, leaves a lasting impression, underscoring the depth of character development in the game.

1 Riley Abel

An Endearing Influence on Ellie's Path

Riley's impact on Ellie transcends her brief appearance in The Last of Us: Left Behind. Their friendship and shared experiences shape Ellie's perspective, highlighting the emotional depth of the narrative.