Uncovering Mask Cracks in Type Soul Game

Discover how to obtain Mask Cracks to advance in Type Soul and unlock the powerful Vasto Lorde evolution.
Uncovering Mask Cracks in Type Soul Game


  • Explore the challenging world of Type Soul and choose your race wisely to impact your gameplay.
  • Master the acquisition of Mask Cracks, essential for progressing through the Hollow faction in the game.
  • Utilize strategic gameplay tactics like server hopping to efficiently gather Mask Cracks and achieve the coveted Vasto Lorde form.

Embark on an adventure in Roblox: Type Soul, where selecting a race is crucial for your journey and success within the game. Among the races, the Hollows stand out as a formidable choice, demanding precision and skill. To thrive as a Hollow, acquiring Mask Cracks in Type Soul is paramount.

The significance of Mask Cracks becomes evident upon reaching the challenging Adjuchas stage. Progression here is arduous, requiring a substantial collection of Cracks to evolve further within the Hollow faction. Here’s how you can secure them.

Uncovering Mask Cracks in Type Soul Game

The Hollow journey is rife with obstacles, each stage presenting unique hurdles that complicate advancement. By the time you reach Adjuchas, you would have invested significant time, making the acquisition of Mask Cracks imperative. Engage in combat with other Adjuchas to amass the necessary Cracks in Type Soul, a task achievable by confronting both NPCs and player opponents.

Defeating an Adjuchas rewards players with two Mask Cracks, while each death results in a loss of five Cracks. To optimize your collection, target areas abundant with these adversaries, such as the notorious Hueco Mundo.

Locating specific enemy-rich zones may pose a challenge, but gaining a vantage point like a mountain can aid in spotting roaming Hollows, often clustered near castles. However, for efficient farming of Mask Cracks in Type Soul, employ the tactic of server hopping. This method enables you to switch to less crowded servers with live Adjuchas NPCs, facilitating uninterrupted hunting.

Upon accumulating 25 Mask Cracks, you can ascend to the rank of Albino Adjucha. Subsequently, defeat another Albino Adjucha player or a Vasto Lorde NPC to progress further. Beware, losing to the latter will demote you to Menos, necessitating a restart. Losing to Albino Adjucha resets the Crack count to zero. Overcome these challenges to evolve into the coveted Vasto Lorde in Type Soul.