Player Reveals Secret Baldur's Gate 3 Strategy for Instant Elimination

Unveiling a game-changing tactic in Baldur's Gate 3, a player has unearthed a strategy utilizing specific spells to swiftly eliminate most adversaries.
Player Reveals Secret Baldur's Gate 3 Strategy for Instant Elimination


  • A player uncovers a surprising tactic in Baldur's Gate 3 that enables swift elimination of enemies.
  • By strategically casting spells in a precise sequence while transformed, the player can defeat opponents effortlessly.
  • Certain NPCs like Mizora or Withers prove resistant to this method due to retained passives during transformation.

Discovering an ingenious approach, a skilled Baldur's Gate 3 enthusiast has revealed a strategy capable of instantly defeating nearly any foe within the game. While conquering Baldur's Gate 3 is typically a formidable challenge, employing this tactic could significantly simplify the gameplay experience throughout.

Crafting the ideal strategy stands as a pivotal aspect of Baldur's Gate 3, as each player possesses distinct preferences when it comes to their desired gameplay style. Some seek the most dominant strategy available, enabling them to swiftly progress through the game. Others opt for self-imposed restrictions to enhance the difficulty level. Moreover, there are players who fashion a character inspired by their beloved franchises, exemplified by the Baldur's Gate 3 player who devised a strategy reminiscent of Aang from Avatar. The versatility in approach is a key reason why Baldur's Gate 3 will continue to captivate players for numerous replays in the foreseeable future.

Redditor CCYellow pioneered the potent Baldur's Gate 3 strategy, allowing players to effortlessly eliminate almost every adversary in the game. By executing a series of spells in a precise sequence, players can outshine other formidable Baldur's Gate 3 strategies. The methodology is straightforward: initiate Dominate Person on the target to convert them into an ally. Subsequently, apply Polymorph to transform the ally into a sheep possessing only 3HP. Following this, cast Gaseous Form on the sheep and administer any attack exceeding three points of damage. Instead of reverting to their former state, the target perishes instantly, regardless of their prior strength.

The Ultimate Elimination Strategy in Baldur's Gate 3

It is essential to adhere to the specified sequence for this strategy to succeed. Through experimentation, CCYellow determined that alternative combinations of the same Baldur's Gate 3 spells proved ineffective, deeming it "exceedingly particular about the execution." While it is ineffective against Mizora or Withers due to their retained passives during transformation, this approach proves effective against the majority of adversaries in Baldur's Gate 3.

Although Larian may have concluded major developments on Baldur's Gate 3, with only future patches and adjustments anticipated, the game continues to offer substantial content for the community. It is evident that players will persist in creating distinctive Baldur's Gate 3 strategies long after Larian introduces its upcoming projects. While the specifics of these projects remain undisclosed, Larian recently generated excitement surrounding its forthcoming endeavors, indicating a promising future in the gaming landscape.