Unconventional Tactics in Survival Games

Exploring unique mechanics that challenge players in survival games to think outside the box for survival.
Unconventional Tactics in Survival Games


  • Survival games often feature unconventional mechanics that set them apart, like using beacons for navigation in Subnautica.
  • Certain survival games introduce moral dilemmas, such as resorting to cannibalism in The Forest for sustenance.
  • In We Happy Few, the choice to take a hallucinogenic drug impacts gameplay difficulty and interactions with NPCs.

Survival games have gained popularity for their challenging gameplay that requires players to adapt quickly to survive in harsh environments filled with dangers ranging from monsters to mutants. While many survival games share common elements like crafting and base-building, some stand out by incorporating unique and unconventional mechanics.

Instead of the usual strategies of resource gathering and shelter construction, these games demand players to employ unorthodox tactics to stay alive. These unconventional approaches are often tied to distinct game features, immersion elements, or gameplay loops.

10 Subnautica

Use Beacons Since There’s No Map For Exploration

Subnautica immerses players into an underwater survival experience on planet 4546B in the Andromeda Galaxy. Unlike traditional games, Subnautica challenges players by not providing an in-game map. Instead, players must rely on strategically placed beacons for navigation, adding a personalized and strategic element to the game.

9 The Forest

Cannibalism Is A Viable Way To Stay Alive Against Mutants

The Forest presents players with a moral dilemma – whether to resort to cannibalism to survive encounters with mutants. While this provides a practical source of sustenance, it comes at the cost of the player's character's sanity, introducing an intriguing conflict between survival and morality.

8 We Happy Few

A Hallucinogen Can Determine The Difficulty Of The Game

We Happy Few explores a dystopian world where the consumption of a hallucinogenic drug, Joy, influences gameplay dynamics significantly. Players must decide whether to take Joy, affecting interactions with NPCs and overall game difficulty, making it a crucial and unconventional gameplay element.