Express Yourself in Roblox: A Guide to Emoting in Type Soul

Discover the variety of emotions you can express in Roblox: Type Soul through emotes and how to use them effectively.
Express Yourself in Roblox: A Guide to Emoting in Type Soul


  • Learn how to emote and communicate non-verbally in Type Soul
  • Explore a list of diverse emotes available in the game
  • Understand how to activate and switch between emotes seamlessly

Experiencing a range of emotions while playing Roblox: Type Soul is common, but conveying these feelings to others can be challenging, especially when playing with strangers. To bridge this gap, the game offers an array of Emotes that allow players to express themselves without speaking a word.

From jubilation to sorrow, Type Soul's Emotes cater to every emotion, providing players with a tool to connect and communicate in a non-verbal manner right from the beginning of their gaming journey. All it takes is a few simple commands to unlock this expressive feature.

Mastering Emotes in Type Soul

Emoting in Type Soul is effortless with the in-game chat function. Simply open the chat by clicking the designated button or pressing the / key on your keyboard. Then, type /e followed by the desired emote command, such as /e wave to greet others with a friendly hand gesture. Let's dive into the various commands at your disposal.

Emote Commands at Your Fingertips

  • /e wave - Greet others with a friendly wave
  • /e cheer - Jump with excitement
  • /e laugh - Share a chuckle with a hand over your mouth
  • /e caramell - Dance the Caramelldansen
  • /e sturdy - Perform an energetic dance
  • /e cry - Express sadness by shedding tears
  • /e warrior - Assume a defensive stance
  • /e kneel - Show respect by kneeling
  • /e freestyle - Dance in various styles
  • /e dance - Groove to Gangnam Style
  • /e dance2 - Sway side to side with raised arms
  • /e dance3 - Jump between feet with raised arms
  • /e rest - Sit on the ground with signs of anxiety
  • /e rest2 - Sit upright on the ground
  • /e rest3 - Sit with raised arms
  • /e rest4 - Cross-legged sit in anticipation

Some emotes are momentary, while others continue until manually stopped. Moving in any direction will halt an emote, and activating a new one will automatically cease the current action. Embrace the diverse range of emotions available through Type Soul's emotes and enhance your gaming experience.