Top 6 Most Challenging Games by Supermassive

Discover the most difficult games developed by Supermassive that will test your skills and wits to the limit.
Top 6 Most Challenging Games by Supermassive


  • Supermassive games are renowned for their bold and unique gameplay experiences.
  • The challenging nature of Supermassive games adds to the immersive and engaging experience.
  • Explore a variety of genres in Supermassive games, each presenting its own set of difficulties.

Supermassive, a game development company, has gained recognition for pushing the boundaries with their game designs. They have a history of creating innovative and distinctive games that offer a fresh experience to players. Despite their varied genres, one common thread among Supermassive games is their high level of difficulty, which contributes to the overall excitement and tension in gameplay.

6 The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

Game Difficulty Rating: 2.25

  • Release Date: October 2020
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Switch, PC
  • Publisher: Bandai Namco

In Little Hope, players face intense Quick Time Events (QTE) and must make critical decisions to keep characters alive amidst demonic threats. The game's immersive storytelling and challenging segments make it a thrilling but demanding experience.

5 Until Dawn

Game Difficulty Rating: 2.61

  • Release Date: August 2015
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC
  • Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

Until Dawn challenges players with life-and-death decisions and tense encounters with Wendigos. The game's unforgiving nature and intricate choices keep players on edge throughout the narrative.

4 The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me

Game Difficulty Rating: 3.13

  • Release Date: November 2022
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PC
  • Publisher: Bandai Namco

The Devil In Me intensifies the survival horror experience with challenging puzzles and decision-making. Players must navigate through a hostile environment, making every choice count to survive the game's brutal encounters.