Toughest PlatinumGames Titles Ranked

Exploring the most challenging games created by PlatinumGames and their intense gameplay experiences.
Toughest PlatinumGames Titles Ranked


  • PlatinumGames' action games are renowned for their demanding combat and precise inputs, making them a hit in the genre.
  • The difficulty in these games contributes to the gratification of completing them, with unique features and formidable enemy AI.
  • Games like MadWorld, Astral Chain, and Metal Gear Rising have garnered high difficulty ratings, delivering intense gaming experiences.

PlatinumGames has built a reputation for developing action-packed, exhilarating, and incredibly demanding games, requiring precise inputs and button combinations to execute flashy combat moves. Since gaining widespread acclaim following the launch of Bayonetta in 2009, the studio has continued to produce exceptional titles that have elevated the action genre to new heights, garnering unprecedented popularity.

Given that the majority of their games revolve around high-speed combat, a substantial level of challenge is essential to keep players engaged throughout. PlatinumGames consistently embraces the task of making its games challenging, whether through unique features or formidable enemy AI. This added difficulty significantly enhances the overall satisfaction of conquering these demanding titles.

7 MadWorld

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.11

  • A shockingly violent monochrome action title with relentless group encounters.
  • The campaign progressively intensifies in difficulty, presenting a challenge to players.

PlatinumGames burst onto the scene in 2009 with the release of MadWorld, an anarchic action game featuring a unique art style reminiscent of the comic book Sin City. While the initial stages offer minimal resistance, the game gradually escalates in challenge. With only three lives per level, there is little margin for error.

Furthermore, the inclusion of vehicle-based combat, while visually striking, proves arduous due to the Wii's suboptimal controls. The Bloodbath Challenges, offering extra points, quickly become overwhelming as numerous enemies flood the screen. While the difficulty of MadWorld mainly arises in later stages or optional content, it undeniably delivers a formidable experience.

6 Astral Chain

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.31

  • A futuristic action game requiring simultaneous control of the character and their Legion.
  • Complex combat demands swift reactions to numerous threats, presenting a formidable challenge.

At first glance, Astral Chain may appear to be a typical anime-style hack and slash game, but its innovation lies in the Legion system. During combat, players can summon a Legion to assist them, adding a layer of complexity. Maneuvering and managing the Legions, coupled with their vulnerable health bar, pose a significant challenge, demanding skill and adaptability to overcome. While this departure from the norm may not resonate with all players, it undeniably offers a robust and engaging challenge.

5 Vanquish

GameFAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.36

  • Players must adapt and experiment to unleash the capabilities of Sam's Augmented Reaction Suit.
  • Vanquish presents a challenging array of formidable bosses and enemy-packed scenarios, characteristic of PlatinumGames' titles.

Vanquish thrusts players into the role of Sam Gideon, a super soldier equipped with an Augmented Reaction Suit, enabling agile maneuvering and combat prowess. While mastering the suit's advanced techniques is vital, the game conceals many of these abilities, adding to the challenge. Negotiating hordes of enemies and colossal bosses demands precision and strategic use of the suit's capabilities. While cherished by dedicated fans, Vanquish struggled to attain widespread appeal despite its stylish and thrilling gameplay.

4 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.58

  • Intense and highly technical blade-based combat.
  • Towering boss encounters that push players to their limits.

The concept of a hack and slash Metal Gear game initially raised skepticism among long-time fans; however, PlatinumGames defied expectations with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Mastering the intricate combat mechanics, particularly the demanding parry system, presents a formidable challenge. The game hosts some of the most arduous boss battles, testing players' endurance with relentless enemies and punishing attacks. While stylish and exhilarating, the game's high difficulty may deter some players.

3 Bayonetta 2

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.63

  • Vital reliance on Witch Time to manage relentless enemy onslaughts, necessitating precise dodges.
  • Limited defensive options for Bayonetta increase vulnerability, intensifying the gameplay experience.

Despite potentially toning down the difficulty compared to its predecessor, Bayonetta 2 remains an unforgiving experience, penalizing players for the slightest missteps in combat. Bayonetta's susceptibility to damage, coupled with the intricate mechanics of Witch Time, demands precision and adaptability. The game's unrelenting nature and punishing encounters ensure a challenging and formidable gameplay experience.

2 Bayonetta

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.67

  • The scoring system is unforgiving, challenging all but the most skilled players.
  • Witch Time activation is more demanding than in the sequel, adding to the formidable gameplay experience.

Renowned for its unique art style and charismatic characters, the first Bayonetta captivates players with its intense challenge. The game offers minimal guidance, plunging players into relentless enemy encounters without respite. The stringent scoring system and the demanding mechanics of Witch Time contribute to the game's formidable difficulty, ensuring a grueling and demanding experience. However, PlatinumGames has developed an even more punishing title.

1 The Wonderful 101

GameFAQs Difficulty Rating: 3.84

  • Combat poses immense difficulty as the team is susceptible to exposure, demanding precise coordination.
  • The Wonderful 101 offers an enjoyable arcade experience with deceptively high difficulty, presenting a formidable challenge.

Regrettably, The Wonderful 101 did not receive the attention it deserved upon its 2013 release for the Wii U, despite being one of the most distinctive and challenging action titles. Instead of controlling a single character, players command a group of superheroes, adding a layer of complexity. The game constantly introduces new mechanics, gimmicks, and enemy types, significantly altering the gameplay. The susceptibility of heroes to heavy attacks and the costly upgrades contribute to the formidable challenge, making it a game tailored for the most determined players.