Toughest Games by Remedy Entertainment: A Challenging Gaming Experience

Discover the most challenging games developed by Remedy Entertainment and what makes them so tough.
Toughest Games by Remedy Entertainment: A Challenging Gaming Experience


  • Remedy Entertainment is renowned for its innovative gameplay and captivating storytelling.
  • The difficulty in Remedy's games arises from the need to master unique mechanics and abilities.
  • Despite their challenging nature, Remedy's games remain enjoyable and demand skill to conquer the obstacles.

Remedy has gained a reputation as one of the most inventive and imaginative developers in the industry, often taking daring risks with their games, resulting in a truly distinctive experience for players. However, to keep their games engaging, they also ensure to insert just enough challenge to complement their compelling stories and characters. While most of them are manageable, others can be especially unforgiving.

Since many of Remedy's titles incorporate special gimmicks and mechanics that freshen up the gameplay, players usually need to master them to navigate the game successfully. Some of these abilities can be challenging to get used to, which can make the experience quite demanding, but never to the extent of being insurmountable. Here's the full breakdown of the most challenging games developed by Remedy Entertainment and what exactly makes them so tough.

6 Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.01

While Max Payne 2 doesn't quite feature the brutal difficulty of its predecessor, it's still far from a walk in the park. Players must make use of all of Max's abilities to avoid being quickly overwhelmed by enemies. The game's most important mechanic, Bullet Time, has been significantly improved, boosting Max's speed and instantly reloading weapons when activated.

However, players need to be strategic about when and where they use it, as it can sometimes become a liability due to the increased speed and difficulty in control. Certain weapons become essential for taking down large hordes of enemies, adding to the game's overall challenge, requiring skillful use of the Bullet Time mechanic to survive.

5 Control

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.03

Control is best known for its captivating and otherworldly story, but the gameplay can become very challenging, particularly when facing endless hordes of enemies. Jesse's vulnerability to damage makes acquiring health mods essential, and her psychokinetic powers vary in effectiveness and reliability.

The combat resembles a rhythm game more than traditional third-person shooters, requiring players to move and shoot simultaneously to evade enemy fire. Mastering these mechanics is crucial to overcoming the game's steep difficulty.

4 Alan Wake

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.05

While the unique combat of Alan Wake isn't too difficult to get used to, the challenge lies in the unpredictable nature of many enemy types. Faster variants of the Taken and controlled inanimate objects ramp up the difficulty. Strategic use of powerful weapons is crucial, but players should remain vigilant for unexpected difficulty spikes.

3 Death Rally

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.17

Remedy's first title, Death Rally, presents a unique challenge as a demolition derby game. Players start with the weakest car and gradually earn more resources by winning races. Overcoming formidable opponents and managing resources make it a rewarding but demanding experience.

2 Alan Wake 2

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.19

The second installment of Alan Wake intensifies the survival horror aspect, presenting a substantial challenge. Scarcity of resources and durable enemies create a demanding experience that requires thorough exploration and resource utilization to survive.

1 Max Payne

Game FAQ Difficulty Rating: 3.29

Max Payne set a milestone in gaming, featuring intense difficulty alongside its amazing storytelling. The Bullet Time system, while powerful, requires skill to master and is complemented by an adaptive difficulty system, ensuring a challenging experience that demands precision and strategy.