Exclusive Interview: Inside the Making of TopSpin 2K25

Game Rant dives deep with TopSpin 2K25 director Remi Ercolani to uncover the secrets behind creating a new game after 13 years.
Exclusive Interview: Inside the Making of TopSpin 2K25


  • Discover the journey of bringing TopSpin back after more than a decade
  • Explore the improvements and challenges faced in developing TopSpin 2K25
  • Uncover the director's hopes and aspirations for players experiencing the game

TopSpin 4 is a legendary title in the tennis gaming world, revered for its quality and gameplay even after 13 years. The upcoming release of TopSpin 2K25 in April signifies a bold step forward, emphasizing the cultural significance and excellence associated with 2K sports games. With NBA 2K, WWE 2K, and PGA Tour 2K setting high standards, TopSpin 2K25 aims to place tennis on the same prestigious platform. The recent success of WWE 2K24 hints at a promising future for the TopSpin series.

Game Rant had an exclusive conversation with TopSpin 2K25 director Remi Ercolani, a seasoned developer with a rich history working on previous iterations of the franchise. Ercolani's expertise, combined with that of other veterans on the team, ensures that TopSpin 2K25 is poised to surpass its predecessor. From revisiting the franchise after 13 years to the intricate process of refining gameplay mechanics, the interview provides insights into the game's evolution and development.

Behind the Scenes of TopSpin 2K25

Q: Revisiting TopSpin after such a long hiatus must have been exciting. What was the experience like for you?

A: The opportunity to work on TopSpin again was truly exhilarating. As a tennis enthusiast and a fan of the franchise, I was thrilled to introduce the game to a new generation of players on modern platforms. The chance to contribute to this project was immensely gratifying.

Q: How has modern hardware enhanced the TopSpin experience?

A: The advancements in modern hardware have significantly enhanced the game's immersion. From realistic stadium environments to lifelike player animations, each element contributes to a visually stunning and authentic gameplay experience. The meticulous attention to detail, including player animations and crowd reactions, blurs the line between virtual gameplay and real-life matches.

Q: The absence of repetitive NPCs in crowds sets TopSpin apart. Can you elaborate on the development process behind creating diverse and dynamic crowds?

A: While crowd assets are limited, our innovative system allows for a variety of unique appearances by mixing and matching different elements such as clothing and accessories. Factors like venue, time of day, and individual characteristics contribute to creating a dynamic crowd atmosphere, ensuring a fresh and engaging visual spectacle for players.

Q: What does the integration of the 2K branding bring to TopSpin 2K25? How does it elevate the gaming experience?

A: The association with the 2K brand signifies a commitment to authenticity and excellence in visual and gameplay quality. By aligning TopSpin with renowned 2K sports titles, the game aims to deliver a premium gaming experience that faithfully represents the sport of tennis. The incorporation of the 2K title underscores the game's evolution and its position among distinguished sports franchises.

Q: How was the gameplay experience of real tennis matches translated into the game?

A: Building upon the core gameplay and animations of TopSpin 4, the development team meticulously observed real-life tennis matches to capture the essence of the sport. From player reactions to shot variations, every aspect was carefully integrated to replicate the nuances of tennis gameplay. The aim was to encapsulate the unique and intricate details of tennis, enhancing the overall gaming experience for players.

Q: What emotions or challenges were you aiming to evoke in the gameplay experience?

A: The gameplay experience seeks to stimulate strategic thinking and tactical decision-making, especially in online matchups. By encouraging players to adapt their playstyles, exploit opponents' weaknesses, and strategize their approach, the game fosters a dynamic and engaging gameplay environment. The goal is to evoke a sense of anticipation, excitement, and satisfaction as players navigate tense and competitive matches.

When two skilled players face off, the strategic gameplay unfolds, mirroring the intensity and strategy of real tennis matches. Analyzing opponents' moves, adapting strategies, and seizing opportunities are key elements that drive the gameplay experience, resonating with the essence of competitive tennis.

Unveiling a New Era of TopSpin in 2K25

Q: Revisiting and refining elements from TopSpin 4's code was a strategic decision. How has this approach influenced the development of TopSpin 2K25?

A: Leveraging the legacy of TopSpin 4's success, the decision to build upon its foundation was driven by the game's enduring popularity and positive reception. By retaining key elements and enhancing gameplay mechanics, the development team aimed to preserve the essence of the franchise while addressing previous limitations. The iterative process of refining and expanding upon the existing codebase ensured a seamless transition to a modern gaming experience.

Q: What were the primary challenges faced during development, particularly in refining gameplay mechanics?

A: Enhancing gameplay dynamics, such as shortening rallies to introduce more excitement without compromising player experience, presented a significant challenge. Balancing the pace of gameplay to incorporate strategic elements while maintaining player engagement required meticulous testing and iteration. The development process involved continuous feedback collection and fine-tuning to deliver a captivating and immersive gameplay experience.

Q: Were there any features or ideas that didn't make it to the final version of TopSpin 2K25?

A: The development team had a clear vision for the game's scope from the outset, minimizing the need to cut major features during development. While minor adjustments and refinements were made, the final version of the game closely aligned with the team's initial objectives. The collective experience and foresight from TopSpin 4 guided the development process, ensuring a focused and successful outcome.

Q: How did the team's experience with TopSpin 4 contribute to the seamless development of TopSpin 2K25?

A: Drawing upon the expertise of veterans from TopSpin 4 facilitated a smooth transition and development process for TopSpin 2K25. The team's familiarity with the franchise's intricacies and gameplay mechanics enabled efficient decision-making and streamlined development. The collective experience and knowledge base cultivated from previous iterations played a pivotal role in shaping the game's evolution and success.

Q: Reflecting on your return to TopSpin, was it akin to rediscovering an old passion?

A: Returning to work on the project evoked a sense of nostalgia and excitement. Revisiting the gameplay mechanics and experiencing the enduring appeal of TopSpin 4 reaffirmed the team's dedication to delivering a compelling gaming experience. The positive reception and enduring popularity of the franchise inspired us to introduce TopSpin 2K25 to a new generation of players, aiming to surpass expectations and create lasting memories for fans.

Q: What are your aspirations for players engaging with TopSpin 2K25, and what do you hope they take away from the experience?

A: I hope players find as much enjoyment in TopSpin 2K25 as they did in TopSpin 4, if not more. The enhancements and improvements introduced in the game aim to elevate the overall gaming experience, offering players a fresh and captivating gameplay journey. My ultimate goal is for players to immerse themselves in the game, appreciate the refinements made, and relish the opportunity to engage with TopSpin 2K25 on new platforms.


TopSpin 2K25 will be available on April 26 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.