Unveiling the Best Waterbenders in the Avatar Universe

Exploring the remarkable Waterbenders with exceptional functional, combative, healing, and Bloodbending skills in the Avatar Franchise
Unveiling the Best Waterbenders in the Avatar Universe


  • Waterbending is fundamental in Avatar, being the first bending technique introduced in the series.
  • Mastery of Bloodbending is not essential for excelling in Waterbending.
  • Aang, a Waterbending prodigy, showcases remarkable bending prowess when teaming up with spirits.

Waterbending holds a pivotal role in the Avatar universe, not only as one of the core elements but also as the initial bending art explored in Book 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender. The saga further highlights the importance of Waterbending by featuring a native Waterbender as Aang's successor, emphasizing the mastery of aqueous manipulation techniques.

The art of Waterbending is evaluated across four main categories: Functional, Combative, Healing, and Bloodbending. The dark practice of Bloodbending, while powerful, is not a prerequisite for mastering Waterbending, except under rare circumstances.

Updated March 20, 2024, by George Voutiritsas: In the Avatar franchise, Waterbending is synonymous with grace and fluidity in combat. Waterbenders primarily focus on defense but seamlessly transition to offense when needed. Masters of Waterbending exhibit remarkable control over water and ice, demonstrating agility and speed on the battlefield. While renowned figures stand out as the strongest Waterbenders, there are numerous other skilled practitioners in both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra deserving recognition.

14 Yue, Tui & La

The Essence of Waterbending Embodied in the Moon and Ocean Spirits

The Moon and Ocean Spirits are the foundational forces of Waterbending, driving the ebb and flow of water across the world. Princess Yue and the spirits play vital roles in sustaining Waterbending abilities and guiding Team Avatar with wisdom from the spirit realm.

13 Hama

Pioneering Bloodbending in Waterbending Practices

Hama introduces the sinister art of Bloodbending, showcasing mastery over bodily fluids to manipulate individuals during a full moon. Her survival instincts drive her to innovative uses of Waterbending, ensuring her prowess in combat.

12 Tarrlok

A Formidable Waterbender Challenging the Avatar

Tarrlok, a skilled Waterbender, engages Avatar Korra in a fierce battle, leveraging his precision and Northern Water Tribe heritage. His abilities outmatch the Avatar momentarily, showcasing his dominance in combat, especially with his Bloodbending skills.

11 Desna & Eska

Unprecedented Strength Through Synchronized Waterbending

Korra's cousins, Desna and Eska, exhibit remarkable Waterbending prowess individually but reach unparalleled heights when combining their skills. Their synchronized bending techniques unleash formidable attacks, overwhelming foes with a cascade of ice-based assaults.