Top Wands in Enshrouded: A Ranking

Discover the top wands that every mage in Enshrouded should consider wielding.
Top Wands in Enshrouded: A Ranking


  • Explore the best wands available for mage characters in Enshrouded.
  • Learn about the unique features and benefits of each top-ranking wand.
  • Find out where and how to obtain these powerful wands in the game.

Enshrouded introduced a realm of mystique and adventure in the gaming world upon its launch. Boasting a meticulously crafted open-world map, the game captivated players with its intricate details and enduring gameplay. Enshrouded immerses players in a vast sandbox environment, encouraging exploration while providing subtle guidance through optional quests.

In the realm of mage weaponry, Enshrouded offers two distinct categories: staffs and wands. While staffs deliver powerful blows as two-handed weapons, wands provide precise, ranged attacks without the need for ammunition. Opting for a wand allows mages to wield a shield for extra defense, making it a popular choice for solo gameplay. Here are the standout wands that every aspiring mage should aspire to wield.

7 Wand

Basic Wand Available From The Start Of The Game

  • Damage: 11
  • Mana regen: 1
  • Overcharge: 10%
  • Attack speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Durability: 150
  • Crafting requirements: 2 Bones

Despite its modest stats, the Basic Wand earns a spot on the list for its accessibility. Craftable from the game's outset, this wand equips players with a ranged weapon early on, offering a crucial advantage in the initial stages. Sourced from wolves near the starting point, the two bones needed for crafting make it a valuable asset for beginners.

While not the most potent wand, its utility in the early game makes it a noteworthy inclusion in any mage's arsenal.

6 Apprentice Wand

An Easy To Loot Wand In The Early Game

  • Damage: 14
  • Mana regen: 2
  • Overcharge: 10%
  • Attack speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Durability: 250

The Apprentice Wand stands out as an easily obtainable wand in the early game, making it a popular choice for players seeking a reliable weapon. Acquirable through simple looting techniques, this wand serves as a handy backup for melee-focused builds. Its common availability ensures most players will come across it during their adventures.

5 Scorching Wand

Mid-Game Static Loot Legendary Wand

  • Damage: 47
  • Mana regen: 1
  • Overcharge: 11%
  • Attack speed: 0.6 seconds
  • Durability: 250

The Scorching Wand emerges as a sought-after mid-game weapon, offering a reliable choice for players at that stage. Despite its stats lagging behind other legendary wands, its accessible location makes it a practical option until better alternatives are found.

Located in the Kindlewastes region within the City Ruins POI, players can easily secure the Scorching Wand for their arsenal.