Top 8 Ubisoft Game Heroes You Should Know About

Discover the remarkable protagonists from Ubisoft's diverse collection of games that have left a lasting impact on the gaming world.
Top 8 Ubisoft Game Heroes You Should Know About


  • Explore the diverse and complex characters that define Ubisoft's storytelling style.
  • Connect with iconic heroes like never before in these immersive gaming experiences.
  • Uncover the top Ubisoft protagonists who have shaped the landscape of video game storytelling.

Ubisoft, a prominent game developer, is renowned for its captivating narratives and iconic heroes that have become synonymous with the company's legacy. From the historical intrigue of the Assassin’s Creed series to the innovative one-off games, Ubisoft offers a wide array of gaming experiences to cater to every player's preferences.

Embarking on a gaming journey is all about the connection players forge with the protagonists. Ubisoft excels in creating multi-dimensional characters that resonate with audiences, setting the stage for unforgettable gaming adventures.

8 Connor / Ratonhnhaké:ton

An Intriguing Mix of Native American Heritage and Assassin Skills

  • Portrayed by Noah Watts

Connor from Assassin’s Creed 3 stands out as a pivotal character in the series, navigating the complexities of 18th Century America. His journey highlights the struggles of Native Americans during a tumultuous period, adding a dark and compelling narrative layer to the game.

7 Rex Colt

The Quirky Cybernetic Hero of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

  • Voiced by Michael Biehn

Rex Colt breaks the mold of traditional heroes with his over-the-top persona in the Far Cry universe. As a cybernetically enhanced warrior in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Rex's humorous yet heroic exploits have endeared him to players as a standout Ubisoft protagonist.

6 Kassandra

Unleash the Power of The Eagle Bearer in Ancient Greece

  • Portrayed by Melissanthi Mahut

Kassandra from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey embarks on a grand odyssey through Ancient Greece, enthralling players with her quest for truth and justice. Her role as the Eagle Bearer in a war-torn land showcases Ubisoft's dedication to crafting intricate and immersive narratives.