Top Survival Games Set In Cold Climates: A Chilling Challenge

Surviving in cold climates presents unique challenges, making for compelling gameplay experiences.
Top Survival Games Set In Cold Climates: A Chilling Challenge


  • Survival games set in frigid environments offer unique challenges like freezing temperatures and scarce resources.
  • Video games provide a platform to experience survival in extreme conditions, testing players' skills and strategies.
  • Games such as Subnautica: Below Zero and Rise of the Tomb Raider offer captivating narratives and demanding gameplay in harsh environments.

Throughout history, tales of survival have captivated human imagination. The struggles of early humans against various perils and hostile environments have paved the way for compelling stories. While deserted islands have been a popular setting for survival narratives, the challenges of surviving in colder environments offer a unique and enthralling experience. Harsh weather, deep snow, scarce food, and plummeting temperatures can all pose significant threats to survival.

Video games have continued humanity's fascination with surviving extreme circumstances, including the exploration of frigid conditions. Being stranded in the cold provides an ideal setup for game progression, as players must develop skills, gather equipment, and devise strategies to endure the challenges thrown at them.

7 Subzero Thrills in Praey For The Gods

Metascore: 61

In this indie game, players assume the role of an unnamed heroine stranded on a frozen island amidst an endless winter. Survival involves not only battling the