Top Starships in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Exploring the most remarkable starships that leave a lasting impression in the world of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Top Starships in Star Trek: The Next Generation


  • The Cardassian Union's Galor-class cruiser displayed formidable strength with its unique fish-like design.
  • The USS Pasteur, a medical ship with a spherical hull, met a tragic fate in a Klingon assault despite its focus on healthcare.
  • The Borg cube, known for its distinct appearance, proved its might by overpowering the Enterprise-D and decimating Starfleet ships.

In the wake of the successful Star Trek films of the 1980s, the franchise made a triumphant return to television with The Next Generation, a sequel series taking place a century after Captain Kirk's adventures. Led by the composed Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise-D continued Starfleet's mission of exploration, encountering various civilizations, scientific enigmas, and perilous adversaries along the way.

While The Next Generation leaned towards philosophical debates and ethical dilemmas rather than melodrama and technical jargon, the show didn't fall short on captivating technologies and groundbreaking starships. From the iconic Enterprise-D to the seldom-seen D'kora-class Ferengi Marauder, the series' seven seasons showcased an array of remarkable starships.

8 Galor-class Cruiser

First Appearance: 'The Wounded' (Season 4, Episode 12)

In addition to showcasing the relatable everyman Miles O'Brien, 'The Wounded' unveiled the Cardassians and their distinctive Galor-class cruisers. The fish-like design of the Galor-class, later echoed in subsequent Cardassian vessels, set these starships apart from other alien factions. Despite its organic look, the cruiser was a formidable war vessel, serving as the backbone of the Cardassian military.

While not as famous as other Next Generation ships in popular culture, the Galor-class became synonymous with the Cardassian Union's power in both the series and Deep Space Nine. Though somewhat underrated, this Cardassian cruiser deserves recognition as one of the coolest starships in Star Trek.

7 USS Pasteur

First Appearance: 'All Good Things...' (Season 7, Episodes 25 & 26)

Starfleet has various specialized starships, like the USS Defiant from Deep Space Nine or the USS Voyager, a science vessel with military capabilities. However, the USS Pasteur, an Olympic-class hospital ship under Captain Beverly Crusher, stands out for its unique focus on medical aid. In an alternate timeline in 'All Good Things', the Pasteur was dispatched to aid those affected by the Terrelian plague on Romulus.

The Pasteur breaks away from traditional Starfleet design by featuring a spherical primary hull instead of the typical saucer shape, providing extra space for labs, wards, and surgical units. Sadly, the Pasteur met a tragic end in a Klingon attack, highlighting that even noble missions can face harsh consequences.

6 Ferengi Marauder

First Appearance: 'The Last Outpost' (Season 1, Episode 5)

In 'The Last Outpost', the Enterprise-D encounters a D'kora-class Ferengi Marauder. This versatile vessel serves as both a cargo transporter in line with Ferengi trade principles and a formidable warship. During their first encounter, the Ferengi Marauder managed to weaken the Galaxy-class starship's defenses significantly using an electromagnetic pulse.

The D'kora-class made subsequent appearances in The Next Generation and even made a cameo in Voyager, albeit as a CGI recreation. Despite the Ferengi's prominence in Deep Space Nine, this cruiser was absent, hinting at the limited number of these adaptable vessels in the Ferengi Alliance's fleet.