Top Female Protagonists in Square Enix Games

Discover the iconic female characters from Square Enix's renowned video game titles.
Top Female Protagonists in Square Enix Games


  • Square Enix's exceptional female protagonists
  • In-depth look at the top heroines in Square Enix games
  • Diverse and powerful female characters from the studio

Square Enix has a remarkable track record of creating compelling female protagonists who can hold their own in the gaming world. These characters possess an array of skills, from mastery of weapons and magic to unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

Let's delve into the world of Square Enix and explore the standout female heroes from their captivating games.

10 Claudia – Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song

The Nature-Attuned Ranger

Orphaned at a young age, Claudia was raised by the forest witch, Eule, deep in Mazewood. She has mastered the bow and arrow, along with Terrology, enabling her to unleash punishing elemental attacks.

9 Ravness Loxaerion – Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

The Spear-Wielding White Knight

Ravness, skilled in spear combat and Lightning magic, is a formidable ally. Her unwavering commitment to justice sets her apart as she stands against oppression and tyranny.

8 Agrias – Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

The Loyal, Duty-Bound Bodyguard

Agrias Oaks, a trusted knight, upholds honor and duty. Her abilities as a Holy Knight allow her to wield powerful Holy Magic and smite enemies with her sword strikes.

7 Aqua – Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

The Headstrong Keyblade Master

Aqua, a skilled Keyblade wielder, is known for her quick thinking in combat and her protective nature. Her mastery of magic-based attacks sets her apart as the only Keyblade Master among her peers.

6 Yuna – Final Fantasy 10

The Naive, Gifted Summoner

Yuna, with her strength in summoning Aeons and unwavering optimism, leads her team with compassion and resilience. Her White Magic spells and summoning abilities make her an invaluable ally.

5 Jessica – Dragon Quest 8

The Feisty Magical Prodigy

Jessica, a fierce magic user, defies conventions with her sharp wit and combat prowess. Her mastery of magic and weapons makes her a force to be reckoned with in battle.

4 Garnet – Final Fantasy 9

The Heir to the Alexandria Throne

Garnet, wielding powerful White Magic and summoning Eidolons, emerges as a resilient leader. Her journey of self-discovery and courage sets her apart as a formidable heroine.

3 Terra Branford – Final Fantasy 6

The Magic-Laden Jill-of-All-Trades

Terra, with her versatile abilities in magic and combat, embodies resilience and adaptability. Her journey of self-discovery and mastery of her powers make her an iconic Square Enix heroine.

2 Tifa Lockhart – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Composed yet Hard-Hitting Brawler

Tifa, known for her composed demeanor and powerful combat skills, stands as a symbol of strength and loyalty. Her resilience and unwavering determination make her an indispensable ally in the fight against oppression.

1 Lightning – Final Fantasy 13

Cold and Distant Badass and Savior

Lightning's evolution from a solitary warrior to a compassionate savior exemplifies her strength and resilience. Her journey of redemption and selflessness cements her status as one of Square Enix's most iconic heroines.