Top 7 SNES Games Celebrating Their 30th Anniversary in 2024

The Super Nintendo was released over 30 years ago, and several of its iconic games are approaching their 30th anniversary.
Top 7 SNES Games Celebrating Their 30th Anniversary in 2024


  • The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
  • Super Punch-Out!!
  • Live A Live

When the SNES debuted in 1991, it brought forth a continuous stream of remarkable games. The release included the iconic Super Mario World, which is often considered one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time, captivating players even today.

In 1992, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past arrived in the West, solidifying its status as an all-time classic. The following year, 1993, saw the release of several noteworthy titles such as Secret of Mana, Super Mario All-Stars, and Star Fox. However, the focus now shifts to the memorable games from 1994.

7 The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie

Gamefaqs Rating: 3.53/5

The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, the second installment in the Magical Quest series, was a captivating Capcom platformer featuring Mickey and Minnie in a co-op adventure. This game marked Capcom's peak in creating licensed-based games, with its costume changes and temporary powers adding an exciting dimension to the gameplay. Although subsequent Mickey games followed, no direct sequels were released for the SNES.

6 Super Punch-Out!!

Gamefaqs Rating: 3.99/5

Super Punch-Out!! was not just a boxing title; it incorporated puzzle-like elements, requiring players to identify their opponents' weaknesses. Despite the skill needed to conquer the game, fans yearned for more boxing action from Nintendo in the subsequent years following this release.

5 Live A Live

Gamefaqs Rating: 4.11/5

Live A Live made its debut in 1994 in Japan, but it wasn't until 2022 that the West experienced this RPG. Square Enix's remaster using the HD-2D engine allowed players to embody various heroes in short stories, culminating in a final unlockable scenario. From space travel to Wild West adventures, this game offered diverse experiences.

4 Donkey Kong Country

Gamefaqs Rating: 4.29/5

Donkey Kong Country revitalized the character, transforming him from a villain to a hero in this platformer. With an expanded cast including Diddy Kong, Cranky Kong, and Funky Kong, the game marked Rare's significant success during the SNES era, paving the way for their dominance in the N64 era and beyond.

3 Mega Man X

Gamefaqs Rating: 4.38/5

Released in 1994, Mega Man X represented a significant advancement for the series, introducing a new protagonist, X, capable of permanent upgrades. This game spawned a new franchise, although it has been a while since X starred in his own adventure.

2 Super Metroid

Gamefaqs Rating: 4.46/5

Super Metroid perfected the series' formula, solidifying its position as a pinnacle in gaming. With vibrant yet haunting graphics, the game left a lasting impression. As the 30th anniversary approaches, fans anticipate how Nintendo will celebrate this seminal classic in 2024.

1 Final Fantasy 6

Gamefaqs Rating: 4.55/5

Initially released as Final Fantasy 3, this entry garnered widespread acclaim, attracting numerous RPG enthusiasts. With its exceptional music and world design, the game boasted one of the largest playable casts in the series, each character feeling fleshed out. Despite the absence of a direct sequel, the Final Fantasy legacy perseveres to this day.