6 RPGs That Keep It Simple: Limited Optional Content

Discover RPGs that focus on essential gameplay and narratives, without overwhelming optional content.
6 RPGs That Keep It Simple: Limited Optional Content


  • Embark on a heartfelt journey in Final Fantasy Adventure, following a singular hero's path.
  • Experience a unique tactical gameplay progression in Fallout Tactics within the iconic franchise.
  • Enjoy Grandia 2's narrative-heavy gameplay without getting sidetracked by optional content.

Role-playing games, or RPGs, often offer players a chance to immerse themselves in diverse roles and captivating stories. While the genre typically includes optional quests and vast worlds to explore, some RPGs take a more straightforward approach, focusing on essential gameplay elements and core narratives.

Here are six RPGs that stand out for their limited optional content, allowing players to enjoy the main story without feeling overwhelmed by additional tasks:

1 Final Fantasy Adventure

Heartfelt Journey And Amusing Gameplay That Converge On A Singular Hero's Path

Starting the Mana franchise, Final Fantasy Adventure stands out for its emotional storyline and polished combat mechanics. Despite its age, the game's focus on narrative-driven gameplay remains engaging for players.

Unlike many RPGs, Final Fantasy Adventure minimizes side quests and optional content, keeping the player's journey centered around the main plot.

2 Fallout Tactics

Players Progress Through Tactical Missions That Serve As Background To The Main Franchise

Fallout Tactics offers a unique tactical experience within the Fallout universe, blending grid-based combat with a compelling narrative. The game's structure focuses on mandatory missions, ensuring players move through the story seamlessly.

While some choices may impact the gameplay, all missions in Fallout Tactics are essential to advancing the storyline, streamlining the player's experience.

3 Deus Ex

An Original Narrative Made Up Of Morally Complex Choices And Extra Content

Deus Ex stands as a classic cyberpunk RPG, offering players intricate moral dilemmas and a conspiracy-laden storyline. While providing some optional objectives, the game's primary focus remains on decision-making and its impact on the narrative.

Featuring multiple endings based on player choices, Deus Ex ensures that every decision contributes to shaping the story, emphasizing its narrative depth.