Top RPGs Featuring Abundant Optional Content

Discover how modern RPGs are shifting focus towards optional gameplay elements over traditional main storylines.
Top RPGs Featuring Abundant Optional Content


  • Modern RPGs prioritize immersive optional content over main quests.
  • Games like Wartales offer entirely optional experiences detached from main storylines.
  • Titles such as Borderlands, Dead Island, and Fallout emphasize looting, exploration, and optional content.

Gone are the days when RPGs were predominantly about the main story with optional extras sprinkled in. Today's RPGs have taken a different direction by cramming their worlds with extensive optional side content, sometimes surpassing the main storyline in quality and quantity.

In a significant shift, some modern RPGs have done away with main narratives altogether, a departure that would have been unthinkable in the past. These games now offer deeply immersive experiences where players can easily spend over a hundred hours exploring optional content without delving much into the main plot.

1 Wartales

Story? What Story?

Wartales defies conventions by lacking a main storyline or character. Instead, players embark on a journey of entirely optional content, forming their band of mercenaries and roaming the open world at will.

The game offers region-specific storylines navigated through optional side quests and narrative choices, presenting a classic 'choose your own adventure' gameplay.

2 Borderlands

It's All About That Loot

Borderlands popularized looter shooters, focusing on optional content like side quests and loot over main storylines. Subsequent titles like Borderlands 3 maintained this balance, adding narrative depth while preserving the emphasis on optional content and loot.

3 Dead Island

Stomping Zombies IS The Point

Dead Island series focuses on stomping zombies and unlocking new weapons through optional side quests, with the main storyline taking a backseat. The franchise's appeal lies in its optional content and the thrill of zombie combat.

The sequel, Dead Island: Riptide, and Dead Island 2 continue this trend of prioritizing optional content over the main narrative.