The Best Resistance Games You Should Play

Exploring the standout entries in the Resistance franchise that continue to captivate gamers with their unique blend of action-packed gameplay and compelling storylines.
The Best Resistance Games You Should Play


  • Experience a mix of handheld and console FPS games in the Resistance series.
  • Engage with inventive weaponry and solid gameplay across all Resistance titles.
  • Delve into the rich online multiplayer world that still entices shooter enthusiasts.

PlayStation has birthed numerous iconic franchises like Uncharted, God of War, and Ratchet & Clank. Among these is the alternative history sci-fi series, Resistance. Initially crafted by Insomniac Games, it expanded to two more iterations on Sony's handheld devices through Bend Studio & nStigate Games.

While the main trilogy stayed on PlayStation 3, Resistance: Retribution for PSP has made a comeback on PlayStation 4/5. Despite lacking a remastered collection, the series remains a favorite among PlayStation and shooter fans. Let's dive into the rankings of each game in this imaginative sci-fi shooter universe.

5 Resistance: Burning Skies

Metascore: 60

Released in the early days of PS Vita, Resistance: Burning Skies aimed to bring a true FPS experience to handheld gaming. However, it fell short, offering a mediocre shooter within the Resistance universe. Despite its touchscreen features and familiar weaponry, the game lacked in online play and overall excitement.

4 Resistance: Retribution

Metascore: 81

Transitioning to the PSP, Resistance: Retribution was a hit, offering a thrilling third-person shooter experience. Players assumed the role of James Grayson in a quest against the Chimera in Europe. With smart mechanics and diverse weapons, it provided an enjoyable gameplay experience, even though it didn't match the main trilogy's depth.

3 Resistance 3

Metascore: 83

Bringing a shift in tone, Resistance 3 focused on a more personal story with Joseph Capelli leading a survivor camp. The game emphasized survival elements like no health regeneration, requiring strategic gameplay. The narrative shone, but the overall impact fell slightly short compared to its predecessors. Nonetheless, its compelling single-player campaign is available on modern PlayStation consoles.

2 Resistance: Fall Of Man

Metascore: 86

As a PS3 launch title, Resistance: Fall of Man marked a shift for Insomniac Games from their usual titles. It offered a dark alternate history setting with innovative weaponry that allowed for varied combat strategies. While not the most vibrant entry, its gameplay and online features set a high standard for future installments.

1 Resistance 2

Metascore: 87

Resistance 2 elevated the series with a grander scale, enhanced weaponry, and a robust online multiplayer mode. The gripping story followed Nathan Hale across multiple cities, offering a blockbuster experience. The multiplayer allowed for large-scale battles and cooperative missions, making it a complete FPS package. Even today, it remains a standout title on PlayStation 3 worth revisiting.