Top-Rated BioWare Video Games Fans Love

Delve into the world of BioWare's top games as chosen by their dedicated fan base.
Top-Rated BioWare Video Games Fans Love


  • Explore the most beloved BioWare games according to fans
  • Discover what makes these games so engaging and enjoyable
  • Uncover the legacy of BioWare in shaping the RPG genre

BioWare has a knack for crafting captivating RPGs that keep players hooked for hours on end. Known for iconic franchises like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, BioWare has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape, setting the standard for modern RPGs.

While all BioWare games are exceptional, there are a select few that stand out among fans. Let's dive into the top-rated BioWare games and explore what makes them so special and immersive.

7 Neverwinter Nights

Metacritic User Score: 8.2

BioWare's early gem, Neverwinter Nights, an innovative MMO-RPG set in the Forgotten Realms, captivated players with its vast world to explore and engaging storyline. With a detailed character creator and multiplayer capacity, it remains a fan favorite.

6 Jade Empire

Metacritic User Score: 8.2

Jade Empire combines action and RPG elements, offering dynamic combat and meaningful choices in dialogues. Players can shape their character's path without being confined to traditional morality.

5 Dragon Age Origins

Metacritic User Score: 8.4

Dragon Age Origins shines with rich storytelling, diverse characters, and strategic combat. The game's immersive world and challenging foes offer a thrilling RPG experience.

4 Mass Effect

Metacritic User Score: 8.7

Mass Effect revolutionized RPGs with its sci-fi setting, memorable characters, and impactful decisions. The game's blend of action and RPG elements created an unforgettable gaming experience.

3 Mass Effect 2

Metacritic User Score: 8.9

Mass Effect 2 expands the universe with intricate worldbuilding and character development. The loyalty missions and the epic Suicide Mission add depth and intensity to the gameplay.

2 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Metacritic User Score: 9.0

Knights of the Old Republic merges the Star Wars universe with BioWare's storytelling prowess, offering a unique RPG experience with engaging combat and impactful choices that shape the player's journey.

1 Baldur's Gate 2

Metacritic User Score: 9.1

Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn is a pinnacle of RPG excellence, blending immersive storytelling, challenging gameplay, and memorable characters. The game's intricate design and compelling narrative set a high standard for RPGs.